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Muscle Anatomy.

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Presentation on theme: "Muscle Anatomy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Muscle Anatomy

2 Macroscopic Anatomy - Tendons connect the muscles to bone and are made up of numerous fascicles all clustered together surrounded by epimysium

3 -Fascicle: a bundle of muscle fibers all put together surrounded by perimysium

4 -Muscle fiber (muscle cell): a cluster of myofibril surrounded by endomysium

5 -Myofibrils: long proteins chains that make up muscle cells

6 - Myofilaments: filaments within the myofibrils

7 Muscle Coverings Deep Fascia –surrounds the muscles; allows for communication and connection between muscles Epimysium - under the fascia; decreases the friction between muscles Perimysium –groups muscle fibers into bundles Endomysium –encloses a single muscle fiber

8 What is a muscle fiber (cell) made out of?
Microscopic Anatomy: Cell membrane - sarcolemma. Multiple nuclei and mitochondrion are found within the cell Cytoplasm, called sarcoplasm, is almost completely filled with long protein chains called myofibrils.

9 What does each myofibril look like?

10 Myofibril Structure Each myofibril has an alternating light (I) and dark (A) band. Each light I band has a darker midline called a Z line. Each dark A band has a lighter central area called the H zone. Middle area of the H zone is called the M-line. One Z line to another Z line is called a Sarcomere.

11 Let’s take a closer look at a Sarcomere
Composed of long proteins called myofilaments. 2 Types: Thick (myosin) filament – filled with myosin protein heads (act like hands). Thin (actin) filament – made of a protein called actin which allows myosin heads to grab onto it.

12 Let’s take a closer look at Myosin

13 Let’s take a closer look at Actin

14 Macroscopic Anatomy of Skeletal Muscle Review
7 4 1 3 6 5 2

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