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Lesson Starter What are quadrats used for?

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Presentation on theme: "Lesson Starter What are quadrats used for?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lesson Starter What are quadrats used for?
What sampling technique would be used to sample small bugs that live up a tree? What errors may you experience when using a pitfall trap and what can we do to prevent them?

2 Learning Intention To consolidate knowledge of sampling techniques
To learn about the different types of competition To understand why competition occurs

3 Collect pitfall trap and complete page 14 of the notes
Outside Tasks Collect pitfall trap and complete page 14 of the notes

4 Competition Collect 3 cards to survive; sit down when you have 3

5 Competition Why did everyone not get 3 cards?
Competition: Animals and plants have to compete for limited resources. The best adapted animals or plants will win and survive

6 Competition Greater when animals are competing for the SAME resources
The more similar the organism- the greater the competition Between different species (cow and rabbit) – INTERSPECIFIC Between the same species – INTRASPECIFIC

7 Competition Between organisms when both use same (limited) resource
Animals- food/water/habitat Red squirrel vs grey squirrel Plants- light, water, minerals, space Redwood trees

8 Think, Pair Share Herbivores that eat a wide range of plants are likely to be more successful than picky eaters-why?

9 Plants and animals compete with each other for the things they need.
The organism that is better adapted will win the competition and survive. The organism that loses will either die or move to another habitat. Animals mainly compete for: Food Territory A mate Plants mainly compete for: Water/minerals from the soil Sunlight

10 Notes Read the information on page 16 and answer the questions at the bottom of the page

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