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Agenda The Medicare Advantage Landscape Clarity Starts Here Workbook

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2 Agenda The Medicare Advantage Landscape Clarity Starts Here Workbook
How to Access Clarity Workbook How to Access Enrollment Guides How to Certify

3 The Medicare Advantage Landscape
The information described in this document is pending government approval and is therefore subject to change.  For producers use only.  Distribution to consumers, other insurers, or any other person or company is strictly prohibited.

4 The Medicare Advantage Landscape
51,738,900 Estimated Medicare eligible population in September 2013 53,236,292 Estimated Medicare eligible population in September 2014 1,497,392 Increase year over year in the Medicare eligible footprint (2.9%) 12,144,795 National Medicare Advantage enrollment in September 2013 13,217,807 National Medicare Advantage enrollment in September 2014 1,073,012 Increase year over year in Medicare Advantage enrollment The Medicare population grew 2.9% in one year but Medicare Advantage grew 8.8% 10,000 Baby Boomers per day aging into Medicare Nationally 25% of Medicare beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicare Advantage. …serving the health and well-being needs of people 50 and older.

5 The Medicare Advantage Landscape
UHG Continues to lead in Medicare Advantage membership

6 Clarity Starts Here Medicare Advantage Workbook
The information described in this document is pending government approval and is therefore subject to change.  For producers use only.  Distribution to consumers, other insurers, or any other person or company is strictly prohibited.

7 Challenges New to Medicare Advantage Agents Face
Agents don’t want to miss out on this HUGE opportunity that continues to grow but are concerned about: Compliance What must be discussed during an MA sale? How to Present Because of the compliance rules how do I stay effective and compliant? Introducing the new Clarity Starts Here Workbook …serving the health and well-being needs of people 50 and older.

8 Clarity Starts Here

9 Clarity Starts Here

10 Clarity Starts Here

11 How to Access the Clarity Book
The information described in this document is pending government approval and is therefore subject to change.  For producers use only.  Distribution to consumers, other insurers, or any other person or company is strictly prohibited.

12 Accessing Clarity Starts Here
Found on the Agent Toolkit Currently Free to order 100 printed copies To Access the Agent Toolkit:

13 Accessing Clarity Starts Here

14 Accessing Clarity Starts Here

15 Accessing Enrollment Guides
The information described in this document is pending government approval and is therefore subject to change.  For producers use only.  Distribution to consumers, other insurers, or any other person or company is strictly prohibited.

16 How to Certify The information described in this document is pending government approval and is therefore subject to change.  For producers use only.  Distribution to consumers, other insurers, or any other person or company is strictly prohibited.

17 Thank You! Questions? The information described in this document is pending government approval and is therefore subject to change.  For producers use only.  Distribution to consumers, other insurers, or any other person or company is strictly prohibited.

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