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Planning CSE 573 A handful of GENERAL SEARCH TECHNIQUES lie at the heart of practically all work in AI We will encounter the SAME PRINCIPLES again and.

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Presentation on theme: "Planning CSE 573 A handful of GENERAL SEARCH TECHNIQUES lie at the heart of practically all work in AI We will encounter the SAME PRINCIPLES again and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Planning CSE 573 A handful of GENERAL SEARCH TECHNIQUES lie at the heart of practically all work in AI We will encounter the SAME PRINCIPLES again and again in this course, whether we are talking about GAMES LOGICAL REASONING MACHINE LEARNING These are principles for SEARCHING THROUGH A SPACE OF POSSIBLE SOLUTIONS to a problems.

2 Logistics PS1 Due Sat Reading Office Hours Midterm Tues 11/11
Chapters 7,8 & 11 (up thru 11.2) Office Hours Wed 4:30 Or after most classes Or me Midterm Tues 11/11 © Daniel S. Weld

3 Knowledge Representation & Inference
573 Topics Reinforcement Learning Supervised Learning Planning Knowledge Representation & Inference Logic-Based Probabilistic Search Problem Spaces Agency © Daniel S. Weld

4 Ways to make “plans” Generative Planning Case-Based Planning
Reason from first principles (knowledge of actions) Requires formal model of actions Case-Based Planning Retrieve old plan which worked on similar problem Revise retrieved plan for this problem Reinforcement Learning Act ”randomly” - noticing effects Learn reward, action models, policy © Daniel S. Weld

5 Generative Planning Input Output
Description of (initial state of) world (in some KR) Description of goal (in some KR) Description of available actions (in some KR) Output Controller E.g. Sequence of actions E.g. Plan with loops and conditionals E.g. Policy = f: states -> actions © Daniel S. Weld

6 Input Representation Description of initial state of world
E.g., Set of propositions: ((block a) (block b) (block c) (on-table a) (on-table b) (clear a) (clear b) (clear c) (arm-empty)) Description of goal: i.e. set of worlds or ?? E.g., Logical conjunction Any world satisfying conjunction is a goal (and (on a b) (on b c))) Description of available actions © Daniel S. Weld

7 Simplifying Assumptions
Environment Static vs. Dynamic Fully Observable Partially Observable Deterministic Stochastic Instantaneous Durative Full vs. Partial satisfaction Perfect Noisy What action next? Percepts Actions © Daniel S. Weld

8 Classical Planning Environment Static Instantaneous Deterministic
Perfect Fully Observable Full Oi (prec) (effects) I = initial state G = goal state [ I ] Oi Oj Ok Om [ G ] © Daniel S. Weld

9 Planning Outline The planning problem Representation As Search
Forward Regression Heuristics Compilation to SAT Graphplan Reachability analysis & heuristics Planning under uncertainty © Daniel S. Weld

10 How Represent Actions? Simplifying assumptions STRIPS representation
Atomic time Agent is omniscient (no sensing necessary). Agent is sole cause of change Actions have deterministic effects STRIPS representation World = set of true propositions Actions: Precondition: (conjunction of literals) Effects (conjunction of literals) © Daniel S. Weld

11 How Encode STRIPS  Logic ?
© Daniel S. Weld

12 Time in STRIPS Representation
Action = function: worldState worldState Precondition says where function defined Effects say how to change set of propositions a north11 W0 W1 Note: strips doesn’t allow derived effects; you must be complete! effect: (and (agent-at 1 2) (not (agent-at 1 1))) north11 precond: (and (agent-at 1 1) (agent-facing north)) © Daniel S. Weld

13 } Action Schemata Instead of defining: Define a schema:
pickup-A and pickup-B and … Define a schema: (:operator pick-up :parameters ((block ?ob1)) :precondition (and (clear ?ob1) (on-table ?ob1) (arm-empty)) :effect (and (not (clear ?ob1)) (not (on-table ?ob1)) (not (arm-empty)) (holding ?ob1))) Note: strips doesn’t allow derived effects; you must be complete! } © Daniel S. Weld

14 Time Arguments in Logic
Initial Conditions Goal On(a, b, 0) Have(bluePaint, 0) Red(a, 0) On(b,a, ?) Blue(a, ?) Closed World Assumption © Daniel S. Weld

15 Planning Outline The planning problem Representation As Search
Forward Regression Heuristics Compilation to SAT Graphplan Reachability analysis & heuristics Planning under uncertainty © Daniel S. Weld

16 Planning as Search Nodes Arcs Initial State Goal State World states
Action executions The state satisfying the complete description of the initial conds Any state satisfying the goal propositions © Daniel S. Weld

17 Forward-Chaining World-Space Search
Initial State Goal State A C B A B C © Daniel S. Weld

18 Backward-Chaining Search Thru Space of Partial World-States
Problem: Many possible goal states are equally acceptable. From which one does one search? D C B A E Initial State is completely defined * * * C B A D E C D A B E © Daniel S. Weld

19 Planning as Search - Backward
Nodes Arcs Initial State Goal State A conjunctive goal (“set of goals”) Regression of goal through action defn The goal of the planning problem A set of goals  the planning problem’s initial description © Daniel S. Weld

20 Represents a set of world states Represents a set of world states
Regression Regressing a goal, G, thru an action, A Yields the weakest precondition G’ Such that: if G’ is true before A is executed G is guaranteed to be true afterwards A G’ G precond effect Represents a set of world states Represents a set of world states © Daniel S. Weld

21 Regression Example A G G’ Disjunction  preconditions precond effect
(and (clear C) (on-table C) (arm-empty) (on A B)) (and (holding C) (on A B)) pick-up :parameters ((block ?ob1)) :precondition (and (clear ?ob1) (on-table ?ob1) (arm-empty)) :effect (and (not (clear ?ob1)) (not (on-table ?ob1)) (not (arm-empty)) (holding ?ob1))) Disjunction  preconditions © Daniel S. Weld

22 Conditional Effects © Daniel S. Weld

23 Regressing Conditional Effects
precond effect (and (at briefcase bank) (in keys briefcase) (not (in paycheck briefcase)) (at paycheck bank)) (and (at keys home) (at paycheck bank)) bank home © Daniel S. Weld

24 Heuristics © Daniel S. Weld

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