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GA Road Map: Working towards
Y Morier, Head of the GA and drones Department in Certification Directorate, EASA EUROPE AIR SPORT 27th General Meeting 21 March 2015
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Outline Background Project organisation and governance Key deliverables and significant milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Background 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Motivation and problem
Avert a dramatic loss of activity as a result of complex and disproportionate rules Necessary to adopt a specific new approach for GA in order to assure a sustainable development of the sector in Europe 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
European response European GA Safety Strategy European Roadmap for regulation of GA Discussion underway for several years now for better regulation for GA. In the past years, some improvements have been introduced but more can and should be done: EC communication on GA in 2007 EP resolution in 2008 for sustainable future of General and Business Aviation EASA regulatory task ‘MDM.032’ entitled ‘Better Regulation of General Aviation’ The European General Aviation Safety Strategy was developed by representatives from MS/GA/EASA under the auspices of the EASA MB; They all concurred on the need for more proportianate regulation, but also to take a critical look at the effectiveness of traditional regulatory approach in today’s aviation environment with already high levels of safety. Furthermore there is the need to take account of limited NAA resources and to focus them better. In Sept 2012, the EC and EASA took initiative to present roadmap on how the principles in the EU General Aviation Safety Strategy paper could be put in practise, realising that besides EC and EASA, MS and GA community were addressed in the recommendations to implement or to assist in implementing the recommendations. European GA Road map European Commission/EASA performed initial scoping of the strategy papers and made proposal to MB for actions to achieve the desired enhancements or removal of barriers, concluded with the adoption of the ‘Roadmap for Regulation of GA’ (September 2012 – December 2012). The Roadmap sets out the operation of the framework and defines the high level scope and timelines for the establishment of a more tailored and proportianate approach to GA. Action holders are Commission, EASA, Member States and GA community. The paper lays down some basic recommendations as well as the preliminary work programme (in its Annex 1 & Annex 2) for such an approach. 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Strategic direction - six principles
P1: One size does not fit all (reduce cliff-effect) P2: Philosophy of minimum necessary rules P3: Adopt a risk-based approach P4: Protect “grandfather rights” P5: Apply EU “Smart Regulation Principles” P6: Make best use of available resources/expertise P1: … GA should be handled quite separately from CAT and merits a different, proportionate approach based on an acceptable risk hierarchy. P2: … focusing on the main risks. P3: … to targeted safety initiatives and rulemaking based on risk assessment, and supported by empirical evidence in the form of good quality accident rate and causal data from which statistically significant trends are identified. P4:… unless there are demonstrable and statistically significant safety reasons for not doing so. P6:... and devolve responsibilities and delegate tasks to the level where they can be exercised most efficiently, including to GA organisations. 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Scope Focus first on the low end of GA Where the impact of the actual system seems to be the most detrimental and impacts the largest part of GA stakeholders Scope (quote from GA Safety Strategy): The sub-sector of GA addressed in this paper covers non complex aircraft operations with an emphasis on non-commercial operations. This embraces aeroplanes, helicopters, sailplanes (gliders) and balloons (including airships). Their uses range from purely sport and recreational activities to general private flying, owner-operators own business use through to some commercial activities such as aerial work, all of which are included in the scope of the proposed approach. Definition adopted by General Aviation Task Force: GA is defined by ICAO as ‘All civil aviation operations other than scheduled air services and non-scheduled air transport operations for remuneration or hire’. A specific limit in terms of weight, for example, has not been set, so that issues and rules that affect a broader range of stakeholders can still be considered rather than ruled out of scope on a technicality. In setting the priorities for this work, the Task Force will consider the issues where current regulation is most disproportionate. The Task Force is therefore likely to focus on issues that affect lighter aircraft, smaller organisations and private / club operations, but not limited to these. Apply ‘building block’ approach Extend every time it is possible to other GA activities 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Risk Based Approach transport business training sport More Protection More Freedom Same safety level: Not feasible Not what public expects Against ICAO endorsed philosophy But: ICAO Annex 6 Part II, from which the following extracts are quoted: “Level of safety. The Annex should ensure an acceptable level of safety to passengers and third parties (third parties meaning persons on the ground and persons in the air in other aircraft). Also, as some international general aviation operations (typically under kg) it was therefore, accepted that the passenger in international general aviation aircraft would not necessarily enjoy the same level of safety as the fare-paying passenger in commercial air transport”. “The Commission endorsed the philosophy....for the safety of operations in non-commercial operations where travel is not open to the general public. In such operations the Standards and Recommended Practices need not be as prescriptive as those in Annex 6, Part I, due to the inherent self-responsibility of the owner and pilot-in command. The State does not have an equivalent “duty of care” to protect the occupants as it does for fare paying customers in commercial operations” Specific risk categories are associated with specific GA activities. 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Partnership approach Success when all partners work together
GA users/industry Member States 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Project organisation and governance 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
New approach to General Aviation GA projects & proposals
Project packages 2014 2015 2016 2017 GA Roadmap Annex 1 Annex 2 New approach to General Aviation GA projects & proposals The Roadmap sets out the operation of the framework and defines the high level scope and timelines for the establishment of a more tailored and proportianate approach to GA. Action holders are Commission, EASA, Member States and GA community. The paper lays down some basic recommendations as well as the preliminary work programme (in its Annex 1 & Annex 2) for such an approach. GA projects/proposals : One of the actions of the GA road map was for the end-users to identify the issues hindering their activities. IAOPA and EAS produced such a list in 2013, which was analysed and combined by the GA sub-SSCC in the GA project/proposals New Approach to GA: In line with the strategic direction of the GA safety strategy, the Agency established a list of measures that would contribute to the major change required in the sector. The three pronged approach tackles all three pillars at once, while allowing resources to focus on any area requiring immediate action. Working method : Three-pronged Approach 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Project Governance - Overview
Steering committee Task Force EASA project team and GA Focal Points GA Roadmap NAA group GA sub-SSCC EGAST EASA Project Sponsor EASA GA Champion 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Key roles and responsabilities - internal
Project Sponsor : Mr Patrick Ky Defines strategic objective of the project Steering Committee : Mr Patrick Ky and EASA Directors Represents executive stakeholder interest in, and advice to, the project EASA GA Champion: Mr Dominique Roland Participates in project communication, resolves technical cases and regularly reports to Mr Patrick Ky Project team and GA Focal Points: Appointed EASA staff Perform assigned tasks and represent GA interests within their fields 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Key roles and responsabilities - external
GA Task Force: EASA, EC, GA users and NAA representatives Provide direction and high level requirements/oversight GA Road Map NAA Group: 13 NAA and EC representatives Represent NAA interests and acts as advisory/sounding board GA Sub-SSCC: GA industry and end user groups representatives Represent GA users interests and acts as advisory/sounding board EGAST: EASA, NAAs and GA aviation community Undertake safety promotion and culture initiatives 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Hugo Rodrigues Lima Da Silva
EASA GA Focal Points Executive Director Strategy and Safety Management Directorate Safety Intelligence and Performance Yngvi Rafn YNGVASON Strategy and Programme Jeremy Teahan International Cooperation Sandro Fabbrini Certification Directorate Large Airplane GA and RPAS Stefan Ronig Boudewijn Deuss Rotorcraft Philippe Stabenau Propulsion, parts and appliances Stefan Ebert Environment Willem Franken Design Organisations Dominique Roland Policy and Safety Information Youri AUROQUE Flight Standards Directorate Maintenance and Production Juan Anton Air Operations Marko Taehtivaara Aircrew and Medical ATS/ANS and ADR Vladimir Foltin Resources and Support Directorate Human Resources Information Technology Certification and Approval Support Hugo Rodrigues Lima Da Silva Finance and Procurement Corporate Services Communication Ilias Maragakis Legal Internal Quality and Audits Executive Director Office 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
EGAST – A Component of ESSI
Mission : Encourage safety culture for all sectors of General Aviation by safety promotion initiatives 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
EGAST – Products (1) Safety leaflets Safety Videos by IASA, France Loss of visual reference Safety parachute can save your life ! 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
EGAST – Products (2) Posters (examples) Risk awareness and Safety management (example: SMS Toolkit NCO) ST SMS Toolkit NCOs i/ehest/main-page/ehest- safety-management- toolkit/ 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Key deliverables and significant milestones
12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Basic Regulation change (1)
Purpose: Adapt definitions, core articles and the essential requirements to enable a more proportionate and flexible approach to safety regulations applicable to General Aviation Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
IFR Flying (2) Purpose: Review the applicable safety regulations in the various technical fields to provide GA pilots an easier access to IFR rating Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Training (3) Purpose: Review existing requirements to provide a simple system for private pilot training outside Training Organisations Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Part M-Light (4) Purpose: Simplify existing maintenance rules to provide a more proportionate framework for light aircraft maintenance with more responsibilities for the pilot, owner and independent mechanics Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Part M Light Part-M GA Task Force (Phase II) on-going: Last meeting 17/18 March 2015. A Light Part-M is under development. Expected features: Created as a Part-ML (new Annex VI to Regulation 1321/2014). Organisation requirements (CAMO, Subpart F organisations) kept in Part-M. Applicable to all ELA2 aircraft plus those helicopters certified for up to 4 occupants up to 1200 Kg MTOM, regardless of type of operation. Owners/operators can choose to apply Part-M or Part-ML. Use of Minimum Inspection Programmes and self-declaration of maintenance programme for all aircraft in the scope. Elimination of the list of complex maintenance tasks for all aircraft in the scope. 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Part M Light Expected features (continuation): Airworthiness review by maintenance organisations together with the annual/100h inspection for all aircraft in the scope. Airworthiness review by independent mechanics together with the annual/100h inspection for sailplanes, balloons and ELA1 aeroplanes. Defect deferment by the pilot with authorisation of the owner for all aircraft in the scope. Guidance on how to assess the risk of a particular aircraft for the purpose of deviations to recommendation from Design Approval Holder based on the FOCA proposal. The balloon community (EBF, Cameron balloons, Kubicek balloons, UK-CAA, Austrocontrol) were invited to the last meeting 17/18 March. NPA expected by July 2015. 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Technology (5) Purpose: Introduce new approach for ‘simple changes’ not requiring design approval by Design Organisations or EASA, with privilege to independent mechanics to incorporate change and release the aircraft Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Simpler Certification (6)
Purpose: Drastically simplify the airworthiness system for small low risk GA by developing simplified entry levels into the EASA system. Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Industry standards (7) Purpose: Transpose CS-23 and other CS/rules in a new concept where the Certifications Specifications contain objective requirements, complemented by technical standards developed industry bodies Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
OPS measures (8) Purpose: Simplify OPS rules to facilitate GA operations, incl. issues raised by GA users and balloons sector Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Acceptance of STCs for General Aviation (9)
Purpose: This is a long term matter as the US Statute requires that a certificate be issued and therefore legislation changes are needed before this will be possible. EASA proposed the option of administrative issuance of the STC with no technical investigation, paired with a confidence maintenance exercise. Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Balanced Approach/Risk Management (10)
Purpose: Modify policies and procedures for a more risk based approach, using all available tools for mitigating risks (safety culture, oversight and rules) Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
GA Data Intelligence (11)
Purpose: Strengthen framework for the collection of safety and exposure data to enable trend monitoring of sectorial policies Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
New EASA Fees and Charges (12)
Purpose: Introduce a more balanced and cost reflective scheme for GA Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Communication/Technical Training (13)
Purpose: Communicate with stakeholders and train authority staff on the positive change Milestones 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Summary Initiative delivers results on all fronts
Contributes to a shift in European rules/policy towards the sector Common structures and goals have mobilising effect Dynamic and pro-active effort from all partners should continue and be accelerated 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
To find out more! GA Road Map:
Simply go and visit the EASA website: GA Road Map: EGAST: 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Many thanks for your attention
EGAST activities/members
Provides a forum to share and exchange good practices Focuses on Safety Promotion, data collection, education and training 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
EASA The European Authority in aviation safety
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Facts and figures 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
3 international permanent representations
Canada(Montreal) USA (Washington) China(Beijing) 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Budget in 2014 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Mission Ensure the highest common level of safety protection for EU citizens Ensure the highest common level of environmental protection Single regulatory and certification process among Member States Facilitate the internal aviation single market & create a level playing field Work with other international aviation organisations & regulators 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Total System Approach Scope of competences EASA Safety Regulator
Safety significantly affects all aviation domains: Total System Approach Operations & FCL 3rd Country Operations Airworthiness Aerodromes ATM/ANS 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Tasks Draft implementing rules in all fields pertinent to the EASA mission Certify & approve products and organisations, in fields where EASA has exclusive competence (e.g. airworthiness) Provide oversight and support to Member States in fields where EASA has shared competence (e.g. Air Operations , Air Traffic Management) Promote the use of European and worldwide standards Cooperate with international actors in order to achieve the highest safety level for EU citizens globally (e.g. EU safety list, Third Country Operators authorisations) 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Partnership with EU Member States
Implementing EU Legislation Oversight of national organisations Production Maintenance OPs/Licencing Training ATM Aerodromes Implementing rules Oversight of Member States Aircraft and products certification Safety of non-EU operations Approval of non-EU organisations Production Maintenance Training ATM 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
New EASA organisation The past Setting up a regulatory framework The future Shifting focus to supporting States and Industry with implementation Data driven, risk based approach to defining priorities Single point of contact for dedicated domains 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
New EASA Structure 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Executive Independent functions reporting to ED 12/2/2018
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Strategy & Safety Management
Core tasks: Strategy development Safety Analysis & Investigation Internal Occurrence Reporting System (IORS) Safety and Risk Management Safety and Business Programmes, Planning and Monitoring Safety Promotion Technical Training International Cooperation 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Certification Core tasks: Airworthiness and Environmental certification Products Parts and Appliances Design Organisation Approvals (DOA)) and Oversight ADs & SIBs Rulemaking Initial Airworthiness Environment 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Flight Standards Core tasks: Oversight of approved organisations; Oversight of Member States (Standardisation); Development of Regulatory Material – except initial airworthiness and environment 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Resources and Support Core tasks: HR functions IT Admin of F&C activities Accounting Budget implementation Invoicing Procurement Travel and conference management 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
Project packages (option 1)
GA Roadmap Measures assigned to the four partners to meet ambitious goals by Annex 1 Annex 2 New approach to General Aviation GA projects & proposals The Roadmap sets out the operation of the framework and defines the high level scope and timelines for the establishment of a more tailored and proportianate approach to GA. Action holders are Commission, EASA, Member States and GA community. The paper lays down some basic recommendations as well as the preliminary work programme (in its Annex 1 & Annex 2) for such an approach. GA projects/proposals : One of the actions of the GA road map was for the end-users to identify the issues hindering their activities. IAOPA and EAS produced such a list in 2013, which was analysed and combined by the GA sub-SSCC in the GA project/proposals New Approach to GA: In line with the strategic direction of the GA safety strategy, the Agency established a list of measures that would contribute to the major change required in the sector. The three pronged approach tackles all three pillars at once, while allowing resources to focus on any area requiring immediate action. Working method : Three-pronged Approach 12/2/2018 Europe Air Sport 27th General Meeting
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