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Legacies of World War II

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1 Legacies of World War II

2 The Holocaust 6 million Jews, and millions of Gypsies, the Disabled, Homosexuals, mentally ill, Jehovah’s Witnesses, communists, prisoners of war and many others killed in German concentration camps a systematic, organized form of murder for most

3 Unlikely Hereos Oskar Schindler Raoul Wallenberg Sempo Sugilhara
Janusz Korczak many whose names we don’t know - citizens in Nazi-occupied countries who risked their lives to save or hide others

4 The Atomic Bomb devastation in Japan (Hiroshima and Nagasaki)
results of The Manhattan Project have shaped world history since

5 Millions Killed / Millions Displaced
victims all over the world new governments try to re-build from the ashes all over Europe

6 The Cold War begins with the end of WW2 - a divided Germany (East-West) shapes history for the next 50 years all over the planet The Marshall Plan The Truman Doctrine mutual suspicion/distrust a war in every sense (spying, arms buildup, intelligence, covert operations, treaties and influence over other countries, etc.) except for overt fighting

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