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CSE 4215/5431: Mobile Communications Winter 2011

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Presentation on theme: "CSE 4215/5431: Mobile Communications Winter 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 CSE 4215/5431: Mobile Communications Winter 2011
Suprakash Datta Office: CSEB 3043 Phone: ext 77875 Course page: Some slides are adapted from the book website 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

2 Signal propagation basics
Many different effects have to be considered 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

3 Signal propagation ranges
Universität Karlsruhe Institut für Telematik Mobilkommunikation SS 1998 Signal propagation ranges Transmission range communication possible low error rate Detection range detection of the signal possible no communication possible Interference range signal may not be detected signal adds to the background noise sender transmission distance detection interference 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Krüger E. Dorner / Dr. J. Schiller 3

4 Universität Karlsruhe
Institut für Telematik Mobilkommunikation SS 1998 Signal propagation Propagation in free space always like light (straight line) Receiving power proportional to 1/d² in vacuum – much more in real environments (d = distance between sender and receiver) Receiving power additionally influenced by fading (frequency dependent) shadowing reflection at large obstacles refraction depending on the density of a medium scattering at small obstacles diffraction at edges shadowing reflection refraction scattering diffraction 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Krüger E. Dorner / Dr. J. Schiller 4

5 Real world example 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011
Universität Karlsruhe Institut für Telematik Mobilkommunikation SS 1998 Real world example 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Krüger E. Dorner / Dr. J. Schiller 5

6 Propagation Modes Ground-wave propagation Sky-wave propagation
Line-of-sight propagation 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

7 Ground Wave Propagation
12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

8 Ground Wave Propagation
Follows contour of the earth Can Propagate considerable distances Frequencies up to 2 MHz Example AM radio 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

9 Sky Wave Propagation 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

10 Sky Wave Propagation Signal reflected from ionized layer of atmosphere back down to earth Signal can travel a number of hops, back and forth between ionosphere and earth’s surface Reflection effect caused by refraction Examples Amateur radio CB radio 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

11 Line-of-Sight Propagation
12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

12 Line-of-Sight Propagation
Transmitting and receiving antennas must be within line of sight Satellite communication – signal above 30 MHz not reflected by ionosphere Ground communication – antennas within effective line of site due to refraction Refraction – bending of microwaves by the atmosphere Velocity of electromagnetic wave is a function of the density of the medium When wave changes medium, speed changes Wave bends at the boundary between mediums 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

13 Line-of-Sight Equations
Optical line of sight Effective, or radio, line of sight d = distance between antenna and horizon (km) h = antenna height (m) K = adjustment factor to account for refraction, rule of thumb K = 4/3 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

14 Line-of-Sight Equations
Maximum distance between two antennas for LOS propagation: h1 = height of antenna one h2 = height of antenna two 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

15 LOS Wireless Transmission Impairments
Attenuation and attenuation distortion Free space loss Atmospheric absorption Multipath (diffraction, reflection, refraction…) Noise Thermal noise 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

16 Attenuation Strength of signal falls off with distance over transmission medium Attenuation factors for unguided media: Received signal must have sufficient strength so that circuitry in the receiver can interpret the signal Signal must maintain a level sufficiently higher than noise to be received without error Attenuation is greater at higher frequencies, causing distortion 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

17 Free Space Loss Free space loss, ideal isotropic antenna
Pt = signal power at transmitting antenna Pr = signal power at receiving antenna  = carrier wavelength d = propagation distance between antennas c = speed of light (» 3 ´ 10 8 m/s) where d and  are in the same units (e.g., meters) 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

18 Free Space Loss Free space loss equation can be recast: 12/2/2018
CSE 4215, Winter 2011

19 Free Space Loss Free space loss accounting for gain of other antennas
Gt = gain of transmitting antenna Gr = gain of receiving antenna At = effective area of transmitting antenna Ar = effective area of receiving antenna 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

20 Free Space Loss Free space loss accounting for gain of other antennas can be recast as 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

21 Multipath Propagation

22 Multipath propagation
Universität Karlsruhe Institut für Telematik Mobilkommunikation SS 1998 Multipath propagation Signal can take many different paths between sender and receiver due to reflection, scattering, diffraction Time dispersion: signal is dispersed over time interference with “neighbor” symbols, Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) The signal reaches a receiver directly and phase shifted distorted signal depending on the phases of the different parts multipath pulses LOS pulses signal at sender signal at receiver 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Krüger E. Dorner / Dr. J. Schiller 22

23 Atmospheric absorption
Water vapor and oxygen contribute most Water vapor: peak attenuation near 22GHz, low below 15Ghz Oxygen: absorption peak near 60GHz, lower below 30 GHz. Rain and fog may scatter (thus attenuate) radio waves. Low frequency band usage helps… 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

24 Universität Karlsruhe
Institut für Telematik Mobilkommunikation SS 1998 Effects of mobility Channel characteristics change over time and location signal paths change different delay variations of different signal parts different phases of signal parts  quick changes in the power received (short term fading) Additional changes in distance to sender obstacles further away  slow changes in the average power received (long term fading) long term fading power t short term fading 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011 Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. G. Krüger E. Dorner / Dr. J. Schiller 24

25 Fading channels Fading: Time variation of received signal power
Mobility makes the problem of modeling fading difficult Multipath propagation is a key reason Most challenging technical problem for Mobile Communications 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

26 Types of Fading Short term (fast) fading Long term (slow) fading
Flat fading – across all frequencies Selective fading – only in some frequencies Rayleigh fading – no LOS path, many other paths Rician fading – LOS path plus many other paths 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

27 Fading models 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

28 Dealing with fading channels
Error correction Adaptive equalization attempts to increase signal power as needed can be done with analog circuits or DSP 12/2/2018 CSE 4215, Winter 2011

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