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J. Phil Gibson, University of Oklahoma

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1 J. Phil Gibson, University of Oklahoma
Breeding Belyaev’s Pets Domestication, Evolution, and the Farm-Fox Experiment by J. Phil Gibson, University of Oklahoma

2 Learning Objectives Understand how artificial selection supports Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. Understand how artificial selection can change characteristics of a breeding population. Investigate changes that occur in a lineage as a result of domestication.

3 Clicker Question 1 Which of these forms of data did Darwin not use in developing his Theory of Natural Selection? fossils domesticated species Mendelian genetics structural homology Darwin used all of these forms of data

4 Clicker Question 2 Domestication involves selectively breeding for:
many separate, genetically-based traits specifically chosen by the breeder. genetically-based traits that arise at random due to the species’ need for those traits. some genetically-based traits and unpredictable changes in other traits that were not specifically chosen. genetically-based and environmentally caused traits.

5 Darwin’s Data In addition to examples of adaptation, structural homology, the fossil record, and biogeography, Darwin used domesticated species as support for his theory evolution. Why do you think domesticated species would be an important part of his theory?

6 Darwin & Inheritance Because Mendel’s work was not yet known and discovery of DNA and its function was over a century in the future, domesticated species provided Darwin’s only information on heritable traits. Although he had no direct knowledge of genetics, Darwin understood that some favorable traits could be passed from parents to offspring.

7 Artificial Selection Darwin knew changes could occur from observing selective breeding of domesticated species. He called this process Artificial Selection. What is domestication? How does domestication relate to artificial selection? How could knowledge of domestication and experience with plant and animal breeding be of use as Darwin considered how evolution by natural selection could work?

8 Artificial Selection An avid pigeon breeder, Darwin knew that breeders could change a species by choosing individuals with interesting traits that occurred at random and by allowing those individuals to breed. Over generations, those traits become more common and the population changes over time.

9 Darwin’s Observations
In addition to traits intentionally chosen by breeders, Darwin noted this observation in The Origin of Species “. . . not a single domestic animal can be named which has not in some country developed drooping ears.”

10 Traits Common In Domesticated Species
Not only drooping ears, but also: piebald coloration, forehead star wavy hair rolled, shorter tails changes in reproductive cycles What could this mean?

11 Wolves, Dogs, & Domestication
Dogs, the first domesticated animal species, were domesticated from gray wolves in Southwest Asia over 15,000 years ago. Canis lupus Canis lupus familiaris

12 Wolves, Dogs, & Domestication
Morphologically, dogs and wolves share a number of traits because they are canids. Genetically, they are 99.8% similar in their mtDNA, which strongly indicated dogs were domesticated from wolves. Wolves and coyotes are only 96% similar.

13 How Were Dogs Domesticated?
Different studies have investigated how dogs were domesticated by early humans. Current thinking suggests: Ancestral wolves that tended to tolerate humans would have had the best access to high-quality food in human trash piles. Those wolves would have protected their scrap piles from other animals and may have provided other benefits to humans. Humans may have then started to keep wolves and begin breeding them. Maybe they artificially selected for different traits. Over time this resulted in the animals we now know as dogs.

14 Lingering Questions Questions still remain about dogs in particular and domestication in general that have interested biologists for many years What changes occur during domestication? 2. How quickly could domestication occur? How would you investigate these questions scientifically? Dogs of King Antef from Egyptian relief (2323 BC. to 2134 BC).

15 The Fox-Farm Experiment
In 1959, Dr. Dimitry K. Belyaev, Director of the Institute of Cytology and Genetics in the U.S.S.R., began investigating the genetics of dog domestication by selectively breeding another canine, silver foxes, from local fur production farms. Vulpes vulpes

16 Clicker Question 3 Dr. Belyaev hypothesized that variation in tameness is linked to genes. If so, artificial selection during domestication should, therefore, change the frequency of tameness genes in a fox population over time. How long do you think it will take for a population to become “tame” or considered domesticated? Very quickly, just a few generations Moderate time, a slow start but quickly after the first generations of breeding. Fairly slow, a gradual change over many generations.

17 A Farm-FoxExperiment Suppose you had a fox farm with a large diverse population of animals available for you to study. Design an experiment you would conduct to see if you could “re-create” dog domestication and investigate the genetics of tameness using foxes. What is your hypothesis and what would you expect to observe? Explain. How would your experiment further our under- standing of dog domestication? Domestication in general?

18 The Farm-Fox Experiment
Belyaev’s Procedure Fox pups (called kits) from the population were scored for tameness and assigned to classes: Class 3: flee or aggressive response to experimenter Class 2: allow petting but no emotional response to experimenter Class 1: friendly to experimenter (wag tail, whine, etc.) Next, they bred the most friendly Class 1 foxes (Elite Class 1 = E1) over many generations. What specific changes would you expect to observe over time as the experiment proceeded?

19 Farm-Fox Experiment Results
The number of E1 foxes increased in frequency and showed significant increases in “dog-like” behavior (docile, eager to please, lick hands, compete for attention) in relatively few generations. Generation % 1E Kits 10 18 20 35 70-80 (Trut, 1999)

20 Farm-Fox Experiment Results
But, there were other changes as well. Generation Observations 2 decreased aggressive response 4 tail wagging, petting allowed 6 friendly kits follow and lick humans 9 floppy ears, piebald fur, forehead star appear 13 tail curls 15 shorter tail, fewer vertebrae (Trut, 1999)

21 The Farm-Fox Experiment
Over relatively few generations, the foxes displayed tremendous changes in behavior and appearance. They were starting to look and act like dogs! The researchers’ data was showing how selection for a single character-istic was also related to a number of other unselected traits. They could see clear evidence of changes that could occur over the course of domestication. Note: The links on this slide lead to pages with some photographs and videos of Dr. Belyaev and his foxes.

22 Farm-Fox Experiment Results
Characteristic Undomesticated Animals With Trait (per 100,000) Domesticated Animals With Trait (Per 100,000) Frequency Increase Star On Forehead 710 Mottled Fur Coloration 86 Floppy Ears 170 Shortened Tail 2 Curled Tail 830 (Trut, 1999)

23 Farm-Fox Experiment Results
Characteristic Undomesticated Animals With Trait (per 100,000) Domesticated Animals With Trait (Per 100,000) Frequency Increase (%) Star On Forehead 710 12,400 1,646 Mottled Fur Coloration 86 450 423 Floppy Ears 170 230 35 Shortened Tail 2 140 6,900 Curled Tail 830 9,400 1,033 (Trut, 1999)

24 Clicker Question 4 The results so far indicate. . .
domestication is a slow process. selecting on one trait can lead to changes in another, unselected trait. fox domestication has little to do with dog domestication. domestication proceeds by changing one trait at a time. None of the above.

25 Farm-Fox Experiment Data
In addition to appearance, other changes occurred. The time when different maturation events occur in dogs and foxes are show below. Complete the figure for when you think these events should occur in domesticated foxes. DAYS WEEKS DOGS WILD FOXES DOMESTICATED eyes fully open response window of to sound socialization (Trut, 1999)

26 Farm-Fox Experiment Data
In addition to appearance, other changes occurred. The time when different maturation events occur in dogs and foxes are show below. Complete the figure for when you think these events should occur in domesticated foxes. DAYS WEEKS DOGS WILD FOXES DOMESTICATED eyes fully open response window of to sound socialization (Trut, 1999)

27 Nature vs. Nurture Although the researchers observed specific changes, treating some kits differently could have changed their behaviors. That would mean tameness is learned, or at least influenced by environment, and not a heritable trait. What experiment could the researchers do next to support their conclusion that artificial selection for tameness has produced an evolutionary change in the fox population?

28 Nature vs. Nurture To determine whether tameness is a genetic or environmental trait, researchers conducted two additional experiments. In one experiment, they bred for aggressive behavior in the same way that they bred for tameness. In another experiment, they switched kits among mothers. Kits from tame, E1 mothers were nursed by more aggressive mothers. Likewise, kits from aggressive mothers were nursed by tame, E1 mothers. If tameness is genetically based, what do you expect will happen in these two experiments? How do these experiments provide a necessary follow-up to the first experiment? (Ratliff, 2011)

29 Clicker Question 5 If tameness is genetically based, what would you predict would happen in a kit swapping experiment where an aggressive kit was given to a tame mother? The kit would become docile due to hormones in her milk. The kit would cause the docile mother to become aggressive. The kit would be more easily trained than if the aggressive mother raised it. The kit would mature to become an aggressive adult. No predictions can be made because breeding is unpredictable.

30 Clicker Question 6 As predicted, fox lineages bred for aggression became more so. Comparisons of the docile and aggressive foxes’ DNA identified genetic differences at a number of different loci. This indicates that . . . domestication involves relatively few genes. domestication affects genes for traits being selected as well as other traits. domestication changes only those traits selected. domestication is basically the same as training an animal to behave.

31 Farm-Fox Epilogue Further genetic analysis of the aggressive and domesticated silver fox lineages have identified two regions that are distinct between them. Studies of these regions and the genome of other domesticated species will not only provide deeper insights into the genetic changes caused by domestication that can be applied to other species, but may also provide insights into changes that occurred in human evolution as well.

32 Other Studies In addition to the work being done on foxes, other researchers sequenced the full genomes of 12 wolves from around the world, as well as 60 dogs representing 14 diverse breeds. They searched for signatures of domestication by looking for sequences that showed the greatest differences between dogs and wolves, or for sequences that were consistent across dog breeds but varied in wolves. Why are these researchers taking this approach? What are they expecting to find? (Yong 2013)

33 Genetic Differences: Behavior
They identified 36 regions of the genome (122 genes) that were completely different between dogs and wolves. Eighteen of the regions contained genes affecting the brain. Researchers think these may relate to less aggressive behavior, improved social interactions, and less fear of humans in dogs. Differences may also relate to dogs’ ability to read human behavioral cues. (Yong 2013)

34 Genetic Differences: Digestion
Differences in 6 other regions, containing 10 genes, are involved in digesting fat and starch. Dogs have extra copies of the gene for amylase, an intestinal enzyme that cuts starch into maltose, and produce 28 times more amylase than wolves. Dogs also produce 12 times more maltase-glucoamylase, which converts maltose into sugar, due to mutations in the gene for this enzyme. Mutations in a third gene, SGLT1, improved the function of a protein that absorbs the sugar through the gut. “This is not surprising,” said Lindblad-Toh. Compared to wolves, dogs are less aggressive, more sociable, less afraid of humans, and better able to read our behavioral cues (Yong 2013)

35 Summarizing It All The research described in this case study identified genetic, behavioral, physiological, and anatomical features of wild and domesticated canine lineages. What are the most important conclusions that can be drawn from this research? What is the significance of these findings? Summarize the results and their significance in either one or two paragraphs or a clearly labeled diagram.

36 Deeper Thinking You have rescued a puppy from a local animal shelter. As it grows, you and your friends make different guesses about what breeds its parents were. Using accurate terminology, describe or diagram how this company’s offer could possibly work. One day you notice a web site that announces it can tell you the breeds of dog produced your lovable mutt simply by sending them a swab of the cells from the inside of your puppy’s mouth.

37 Deeper Thinking One of the great stories in biology is that Charles Darwin had an unopened copy of Gregor Mendel’s manuscript on his office. Apparently, Darwin never read it, and, consequently, developed his theory of evolution with no working knowledge of the mechanisms of Mendelian inheritance. Suppose he had read this manuscript, how would this have affected his description of artificial selection? Natural selection? Evolution?

38 Deeper Thinking (Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time, Adaptation)
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection can be summarized with the simple acronym VISTA. (Variation, Inheritance, Selection, Time, Adaptation) How does VISTA apply to the Farm-Fox case study? Image credits

39 Acknowledgements Development of this case study was supported by NSF Grant No. DUE # Any opinions, findings, conclusions, or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of NSF.

40 Image Credits Slide 1. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. Slide 5. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923. Slide 6. This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923. Slide 8. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 Generic license. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 the copyright holder of this work, release this work into the public domain. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license. Slide 9. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. Droopy eared mutt Copyright © 2013 J. Phil Gibson. Slide Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. This image is in the public domain because it contains materials that originally came from the Agricultural Research Service, the research agency of the United States Department of Agriculture.

41 Image Credits Slide 11. This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license. Attribution: Santiago Atienza Border collie with balls Copyright © 2002 J. Phil Gibson Slide 12. Canid phylogeny According to “Images may be downloaded and reproduced for non-profit personal or educational purposes without further permission.” Slide 14. Salukis Eqypt Image is in the public domain. Slide Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.2 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled GNU Free Documentation License. Slide 36. Let the sleeping puppy lie. Copyright © 2013 J. Phil Gibson Slide This media file is in the public domain in the United States. This applies to U.S. works where the copyright has expired, often because its first publication occurred prior to January 1, 1923 Slide This work is in the public domain in the United States because it was published (or registered with the U.S. Copyright Office) before January 1, 1923.

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