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A New World Focus Questions:

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1 A New World Focus Questions:
What were the effects of the French and Indian War on the colonies? What key events sharpened the divisions between British and the colonists in the late 1760’s and early 1770’s? Identify the early military actions between the British and the colonists that moved the colonies closer to independence. Understand the importance of certain documents such as Thomas Paine’s, Common Sense and the Declaration of Independence. What were the many causes of the American Revolution and who were some of our founding fathers involved in it? The purpose of the focus questions is to help students find larger themes and structures to bring the historical evidence, events, and examples together for a connected thematic purpose. As we go through each portion of this lecture, you may want to keep in mind how the information relates to this larger thematic question. Here are some suggestions: write the focus question in the left or right margin on your notes and as we go through, either mark areas of your notes for you to come back to later and think about the connection OR as you review your notes later (to fill in anything else you remember from the lecture or your thoughts during the lecture or additional information from the readings), write small phrases from the lecture and readings that connect that information to each focus question AND/OR are examples that work together to answer the focus question.

2 Impact of the British victory in North America
3. American Nationalism Debt 2. Soldiers

3 British politics and the colonies
●Grenville program *Sugar Act, 1764 *Quartering Act

4 Stamp Act, 1765 Crisis Colonial protests

5 “No taxation without representation”
●Philosophies behind colonial reaction *Locke’s theory of government *British tyranny “No taxation without representation”

6 Increasing tensions with British
●Townshend duties ●Colonial and British reactions *Sam Adams and the Sons of Liberty *Boston Massacre March 5, 1770

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