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Government Basics.

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1 Government Basics

2 Sponge #1: Gov’t Name ONE thing that you think the government should do AND ONE thing you think should NOT be something government should do.

3 Question: Who has the power?

4 Ways Governments Distribute Power
Unitary Confederation Federal

5 Federal Power is divided between one central authority and several regional authorities Example: United States has federal government that meets in Washington DC and state governments in each state Federal Government – Power to declare war State Government – Power to set speed limit Countries in Middle East: Pakistan, United Arab Emirates, Iraq (new government)

6 Ways Government Distributes Power
Federation / Federal Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority

7 Unitary Power is held by ONE central authority
Regional authorities do NOT have power Examples in Middle East: Afghanistan, Egypt, Iran, Syria, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Oman, Saudi Arabia, and Yemen

8 Unitary Central Authority Ways Government Distributes Power
Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority

9 Confederation Voluntary association of states that often only give a few powers to the central authority States generally have great deal of independence and are more important than the central government Example: OPEC – Member nations (regional authority) only give OPEC (central authority) right to decide amount and price of barrel of oil

10 Ways Government Distributes Power
Confederation Ways Government Distributes Power Regional Authority Regional Authority Central Authority Regional Authority Regional Authority

11 Do the citizens (people) of the nation have a say in their government?
Question: Do the citizens (people) of the nation have a say in their government?

12 Governments and Citizen Participation: Autocracy
Autocratic – one person possesses unlimited power; citizens have limited if any role in government Forms of Autocratic Governments: Absolute or Totalitarian Dictatorships Absolute Monarchies

13 Government and Citizen Participation: Oligarchy
Government by the FEW; citizens have very limited role in government Government run by small group that gets power from military, social status, wealth, religion, or a combination of these Examples: Communist countries like China – leaders in political party and military control government Afghanistan under the Taliban

14 Government and Citizen Participation: Democracy
Citizens influence the government by voting; citizen participation is highest in this form of government Two basic types of democratic governments: Parliamentary Democracy Presidential Democracy

15 Parliamentary Democracy
Citizens vote on members of legislative branch Cabinet (made up of members of the legislative branch) has executive power Legislative branch sometimes elects a Prime Minister LEGISLATIVE BRANCH has most power Example: Israel

16 Presidential Democracy
People vote on legislative branch AND leader of executive branch (President) Government where the president has executive power and is independent of the legislative branch Power is generally shared among the branches of government Example: United States

17 How Governments Determine Citizen Participation
High Participation High Participation Select Citizens’ Participation General Citizens’ Participation Government Power Citizen Participation Government Power Government Power Citizen Participation Low or No Participation Low or No Participation Low or No Participation Autocratic Oligarchic Democracy

18 Sample Test Question In Nigeria’s government, power is divided between Central and regional authorities. This is an example of which government type? A. Unitary B. Confederation C. Federal D. Parliamentary Corresponds to SS6- CG1a, CG4a, CG6a SS7- CG1a , CG4a, CG6a

19 OAS Database Question - Corresponds to
Sample Test Question What is a basic way citizens of a democratic nation can influence the government? A. voting B. working C. obeying laws D. consuming goods OAS Database Question - Corresponds to SS6- CG1b, CG4b, CG6b SS7- CG1b , CG4b, CG6b

20 OAS Database Question - Corresponds to
Sample Test Question In which system of government does the legislature elect the executive leader of the government? A. democratic B. communist C. parliamentary D. totalitarian OAS Database Question - Corresponds to SS6- CG1c, CG4c, CG6c SS7- CG1c , CG4c, CG6c

21 OAS Database Question - Corresponds to
Sample Test Question In most democratic countries, the government is divided into three branches: executive, legislative, and judicial. In Canada, the legislative branch is the A. Parliament B. prime minister C. Supreme Court D. governor general OAS Database Question - Corresponds to SS6- CG1b, CG4b, CG6b SS&- CG1b , CG4b, CG6b

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