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指導教授: Chang, Chin-Chen (張真誠)
多種影像格式的資訊隠藏 技術之研究 Some Information Hiding Schemes for Various Image Types 指導教授: Chang, Chin-Chen (張真誠) 研究生: Wu, Ming-Ni (吳明霓) Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Chung Cheng University
Outline Introduction Spatial Domain
LSB Substitution Method for Gray-Level and Color images Weight Matrix Hiding Method for Two-Color Images Compressed Domain VQ-based Hiding Scheme Using Voronoi Diagram VQ-based Hiding Scheme Based upon Block Prediction Reversible Hiding Scheme Using SSP Conclusions and Future Works
Introduction : Information Hiding
secret information cover image stego-image + or 010010…
Introduction : Spatial Domain
pixel value embed cover image stego-image or 010010… secret information
Introduction : Compressed Domain
embed de-compress compress or 010010… stego-image secret information cover image
Introduction : Research Scope
Part I : Spatial Domain Part II: Compressed Domain
Part I: Spatial Domain LSB Substitution Method for Gray-Level and Color images: LSB Substitution Oriented Image Hiding Strategies Using Genetic Algorithm for Gray and Color images (LSB-SOIH)
LSB-SOIH secret information cover image stego-image embed embed
LSB-SOIH : Least Significant Bit (LSB)
stego-image cover image secret image 205 151 149 130 201 204 154 135 202 203 156 138 102 159 120 183 143 156 90 170 125 135 6 4 processed secret image 6 4 6 11 8 9 4 7 15 5 10 13
LSB-SOIH : Least Significant Bit (LSB)
processed secret image : S cover image stego-image 205 151 149 130 201 204 154 135 202 203 156 138 102 159 6 11 8 9 4 7 15 5 10 13 198 0110 198
LSB-SOIH: Proposed Method
pixel substitution table processed secret image: S after substitution: S’ 3 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 3 Try to embed S’ to host image and get the different PSNR. If we can find the best PSNR by using one S’ then it is optimal solution.
LSB-SOIH : Genetic Algorithm (GA)
1. Initialize the chromosome Pool 2.Evaluation Process Best Chromosome 3. Selection Process 4. crossover Operator 5. Mutation Operator
LSB-SOIH: Proposed Method
Change the embedded location secret image cover image
LSB-SOIH - Global Strategy
processed secret image: S block mapping table after mapping : S’ 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 pixel substitution table after substitution: S” 3 1 2 2 1 3
LSB-SOIH - Local Strategy
processed secret image: S block mapping table after mapping: S’ 3 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3 after substitution: S” pixel substitution table 1 2 3 3 1 2 3 1 2 2 1 3 2 3 1 Block 0 Block 1 Block 2 Block 3
LSB-SOIH : Experiments
The results from embedding secret images into the host image Lena Host image is “Lena” Secret images Simple LSB Wang et al.’s method Our global method Our local method Airplane Pepper Barbara
LSB-SOIH : Experiments
The embedding results from the secret image Airplane and the host image Lena which were obtained using the four methods: (a) LSB substitution method (b) Wang et al.’s method (c) our global method (d) our local method
Part I: Spatial Domain Weight Matrix Hiding Method for Two-Color Images: High Quality Perceptual Data Hiding Technique for Two-Color Images (HQPDH)
HQPDH secret information cover image stego-image embed 010010…
HQPDH : Embedding Procedure
secret data = K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 F1 = 1 F1 K = 1 IF1 = 1 IF1 K = 1 SUM((F1 K) W) mod 2r+2 =( ) mod 32 =22 (SUM(IF1 K) W ) mod 2r+2 =( ) mod 32 = 3 F1 = 1 00100 – 22 =4 – 22 = -18 or +14 00110 – 3 = 6 – 3 = +3 or -29
HQPDH : Embedding Procedure
secret data = K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 F2 = 1 F2 K = 1 IF2 = 1 IF2 K = 1 (SUM(F2 K) W) mod 2r+2 =( ) mod 32 =4 (SUM(IF2 K) W ) mod 2r+2 =( ) mod 32 = 21 F2 = 1 11100 – 4 =28 – 4 = +24 or -8 11110 – 21 = 30 – 21 = +9 or -23
HQPDH : Embedding Procedure
secret data = K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 F3 = 1 F3 K = 1 IF3 = 1 IF3 K = 1 (SUM(F3 K) W) mod 2r+2 =( ) mod 32 =17 (SUM(IF3 K) W ) mod 2r+2 =( ) mod 32 = 8 F3 = 1 11000 –17 =24 – 17 = +7 or -25 11010 – 8 = 26 – 8 = +18 or -14
HQPDH : Embedding Procedure
secret data = K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 It is a black block, there is no data will be embedded.
HQPDH : Extracting Procedure
F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F1 = 1 F1 K = 1 stego-image IF1 = 1 IF1 K = 1 SUM((F1 K) W) mod 2r+1 = mod 32 = 68 mod 32 = 4 = SUM((IF1 K) W) mod 2r+1 = mod 32 =53 mod 32 = 21 = The secrets is 001
HQPDH : Extracting Procedure
F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F2 = 1 F2 K = 1 stego-image IF2 = 1 IF2 K = 1 SUM((F2 K) W) mod 2r+1 = mod 32 = 59 mod 32 = 27 = SUM((IF2 K) W) mod 2r+1 = mod 32 =62 mod 32 = 30 = The secrets is 111
HQPDH : Extracting Procedure
F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 F3 = 1 F3 K = 1 stego-image IF3 = 1 IF3 K = 1 SUM((F3 K) W) mod 2r+1 = mod 32 = 56 mod 32 = 24 = SUM((IF3 K) W) mod 2r+1 = mod 32 =65 mod 32 = 1 = The secrets is 110
HQPDH : Extracting Procedure
F1 F2 F= 1 F3 F4 K= 1 W = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 r=3 stego-image Since it is a black block, there is no data has been embedded here.
HQPD : Experiments (a) the cover image of “Mickey”
(b) the stego-image produced by TP method (c) the stego-image produced by the proposed method
HQPD : Experiments (a) the cover image of a scanned text
(b) the stego-image produced by TP method (c) the stego-image produced by the proposed method
HQPDH : Experiments Comparisons of the average number of changing bit for embedding one bit data. Test image Method m=n=4 m = n = 8 m = n = 16 r=2 r=3 r=4 r=6 Mickey TP 0.56 0.40 0.37 0.36 0.30 0.29 Our method 0.45 0.33 0.28 0.26 0.21 Scanned text 0.38 0.34 0.27 0.23
Part II: Compressed Doman
VQ-based Hiding Scheme Using Voronoi Diagram : Hiding Secret Information in VQ Compressed Images Using Voronoi Diagram (HSIVD)
HSIVD cover image compressed image compressedstego-image compress produce embed 010010… secret information
HSIVD: Vector Quantization (VQ)
1 2 (132, 21,…,76) 3 254 255 100 251 98 15 76 123 247 2 Index table Image codebook
HSIVD: Principle Component Analysis (PCA)
Given a set of points Y1, Y2, …, and YM where every Yi is characterized by a set of variables X1, X2, …, and XN. We want to find a direction D = (d1, d2, …, dN), where such that the variance of points projected onto D is maximized.
HSIVD: Voronoi Diagram (VD)
p4 p0 z p7 p5 p3 p6 p2 p1
HSIVD – Preprocess codebook VD and attribute assign c0 p0 c1 p1 p4 c2
1 p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 PCA l dimensions 2 dimensions
HSIVD – Compress and Embed
cover image index table I pk k 1 p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 search PCA pj zi xi yi a secret bit
HSIVD – Decompress and Extract
codebook image c0 c1 c2 c3 c4 c5 c6 c7 index table I 3 1 p0 p1 p2 p3 p4 p5 p6 p7 secret = 1
Image quality (PSNR) comparison with different search levels
HSIVD : Experiments Image quality (PSNR) comparison with different search levels Searching levels Boat Lena Peppers 1 28.13 29.60 29.14 2 28.67 30.49 29.54 3 28.72 30.67 29.73 4 28.75 30.78 29.81 8 28.77 30.81 29.91 16 28.78 30.83 29.93
Proposed scheme with SL=1
HSIVD : Experiments Image quality (PSNR) comparisons of three schemes with secret bits (SL means searching level) Images VQ compressed only MGLE DHPCA Proposed scheme with SL=1 Airplane 32.24 24.46 25.55 29.60 Barbara 25.75 21.53 22.16 25.03 Boat 29.32 22.34 23.61 28.13 Lena 30.71 22.95 24.21 Peppers 30.52 25.28 25.47 29.14 Toys 29.86 23.78 24.61 27.85
Embedded results for different hiding schemes
HSIVD : Experiments Embedded results for different hiding schemes (a) MGLE; PSNR=22.95 (b)DHPCA; PSNR=24.21 (c) HSIVD; PSNR=29.14
Part II: Compressed Doman
VQ-based Hiding Scheme Based upon Block Prediction: Information Hiding Based on Block Prediction (IHSBP)
IHSBP : Side Match VQ (SMVQ)
IHSBP: Embedding process
IHSBP: Embedding Process
IHSBP: Extracting Process
IHSBP: Experiments Image quality (PSNR) for different hiding capacity and different cover images with our proposed scheme Table 6.1 Image quality (PSNR) for different hiding capacity and different cover images with our proposed scheme Capacity Lena Airplane Boat Peppers 16K 31.45 30.85 30.52 29.54 32K 31.21 30.60 30.33 28.93 48K 31.07 29.98 30.09 28.25 64K 29.43 28.74 29.18 27.44 80K 27.14 26.63 27.63 27.16
IHSBP: Experiments Image quality (PSNR) comparisons of three schemes with image “Airplane” Capacity MGLE DHPCA Du and Hsu’s scheme Shie et al.’s scheme Proposed scheme 16K 25.26 29.01 30.59 30.79 30.85 32K 26.23 30.40 30.57 30.60 48K 25.12 29.90 30.06 29.98 64K 24.09 28.51 28.39 28.74 80K 21.76 26.38 26.41 26.63
IHSBP: Experiments (a) MGLE; PSNR=24.96; capacity=16K
(b) DHPCA; PSNR = 25.64; capacity= 48K (c) Du and Hsu’s scheme; PSNR=28.16; capacity=48K (d) Shie et al.’s scheme; PSNR=29.81; capacity=48K (e) Proposed scheme; PSNR=31.07; capacity=48K
Part II: Compressed Doman
Reversible Hiding Scheme Using SSP: A Novel High Capacity Reversible Information Hiding Scheme Based on Side-Match Prediction and Shortest Spanning Path (RIHSSP)
RIHSSP: Shortest Spanning Path (SSP)
f f b b c c e e d d a f b c e d
RIHSSP: Codebook Rearrangement
RIHSSP: Embedding Procedure
RIHSSP: Extracting Procedure
Proposed scheme (Recovered)
RIHSSP: Experiments Comparison of image quality (PSNR) of four schemes for six images Images VQ compressed only MGLE Chang and Lu’s scheme (Recovered) Proposed scheme (Recovered) Airplane 32.24 24.46 31.05 Barbara 25.75 21.53 24.47 Boat 29.32 22.34 28.61 Lena 30.71 22.95 29.14 Peppers 30.52 25.28 28.94 Baboon 29.86 23.78 28.21
Proposed scheme (4 segments) Proposed scheme (16 segments)
RIHSSP: Experiments Comparison of hiding capacity of three schemes for six images Images MGLE Chang and Lu’s scheme Proposed scheme (4 segments) Proposed scheme (16 segments) bits bpp Airplane 16,384 0.56 14,295 0.29 32,253 0.57 64,516 0.63 Barbara 14,357 0.39 32,258 0.62 0.72 Boat 14,272 0.40 0.58 0.65 Lena 14,851 0.34 0.64 Peppers 14,626 Baboon 12,936 0.46 0.83
Conclusions Spatial Domain Compressed Domain
Better image quality and hiding capacity for gray-level and color images High capability and good perceptual quality for two-color mages Compressed Domain Two VQ-based hiding methods provide excellent performance A Reversible hiding method using SSP technique
Future works More image types, such as halftone image
The adaptive hiding method to embed more secret bits to compressed images Reversible hiding methods for other image types
Thank You
PCA Algorithm of PCA Start by coding the variables Y = (Y1, Y2, …YN) to have zero means and unit variances. Calculate the covariance matrix C of the samples. Find the eigenvalues λ1, λ2, …, λN, for C, where λi λi+1, i = 1, 2, …, N-1. Let D1, D2, … DN denote the corresponding eigenvectors. D1 is the first principal component direction, D2 is the second principal component direction, … , DN is the Nth principal component direction
PCA Let A be an n*n covariance matrix.
is an eigenvalue of A, and x is an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue x = Ix, where I is an n*n identity matrix the characteristic polynomial of the matrix
PCA For example, Let A be a 2*2 matrix.
PCA Example 1: 40 samples with 2 variables, X1 and X2
Covariance matrix λ1 = λ2 =36.780
PCA D1 = [ ] D2 = [ ]
VQ Vector Quantization (VQ)
An image is separated into a set of input vectors Each input vector is matched with a codeword of the codebook
VQ Definition of vector quantization (VQ):
, where Y is a finite subset of Rk. VQ is composed of the following three parts: Codebook generation process, Encoding process, and Decoding process.
Vector Quantization (VQ)
1 2 (132, 21,…,76) 3 254 255 100 251 98 15 76 123 247 2 Index table Image codebook
Separating the image to vectors
VQ Codebook generation 1 . N-1 N Training Images Training set Separating the image to vectors
VQ : A example To encode an input vector, for example, v = (150,145,121,130) (1) Compute the distance between v with all vectors in codebook d(v, cw1) = d(v, cw2) = d(v, cw3) = 112.3 d(v, cw4) = d(v, cw5) = d(v, cw6) = 235.1 d(v, cw7) = d(v, cw8) = 63.2 (2) So, we choose 8 to replace the input vector v.
YUV Y=0.299R+0.587G+0.114B U=B-Y V=R-Y
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