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Transcendentalism An Overview.

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1 Transcendentalism An Overview


3 Journal Prompt: What is your personal motto? How does it guide your life and your decisions?


5 Transcend (v) to go beyond a limit or range, for example, of thought or belief So, TRANSCENDENTALISM, at its core is about “moving beyond” common experience and understanding.

6 What is it? Transcendentalism is an idea. A way of life
To connect with the world and become better; rise above evil

7 What is it? Theory that every individual is capable of discovering higher truths on his or her own (rise above) Belief that people are inherently good and should follow their own beliefs (self-reliance) Belief that humans, nature, and God are all interconnected

8 Why did Transcendentalism become popular?
As with Romanticism, Americans felt that there must be more to life than logical, rational experience. The Transcendentalists sought to regain a spirituality that they thought was missing from current thought and philosophy.

9 Ralph Waldo Emerson 1803-1882 Poet and essayist
Founded the Transcendental Club Popular lecturer Banned from Harvard for 40 years following his Divinity School address Supporter of abolitionism

10 Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862 Schoolteacher, essayist, poet
Most famous for Walden and Civil Disobedience Influenced environmental movement Supporter of abolitionism

11 Amos Bronson Alcott 1799-1888 Teacher and writer
Founder of Temple School Introduced art, music, P.E., nature study, and field trips; banished corporal punishment Father of novelist Louisa May Alcott

12 Margaret Fuller 1810-1850 Journalist, critic, women’s rights activist
First editor of The Dial, a transcendental journal First female journalist to work on a major newspaper—The New York Tribune Taught at Alcott’s Temple School

13 Six Major Concepts/Principles
Question Authority Nonconformity Self-Reliance

14 Question Authority! Don’t blindly follow Government Religion Education

15 Nonconformity Be yourself Don’t follow the crowd/society

16 Self-Reliance Look within yourself for fulfillment.
Live life to the fullest.

17 Free Thinking Being open-minded. Not told what to think.

18 Confidence Believing in your vision. Trusting your instincts
Following your path. Taking risks and embracing consequences as life lessons

19 Respect for Nature Simplicity of life. Avoid distractions
Solitude of nature Reflection Nature=God

20 Modern Influences Gandhi Martin Luther King Jr.
Both men participated in “civil disobedience” and encouraged the idea of nonviolent protests and the change of laws.

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