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Why are Syrians struggling? And Why are they migrating?

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Presentation on theme: "Why are Syrians struggling? And Why are they migrating?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Why are Syrians struggling? And Why are they migrating?
By Emmanuel

2 What is migration? Migration is the movement of people, animals or things that move from 1 place to another.

3 Why are Syrians leaving their country as a Refugee?
Civil war has been going on at least 5 years Syrians don’t want the president (Basher al-Assad) in power anymore. Citizens of Syria are rebelling against the government. Islamic State(ISIS) are fighting for land, they fight the government, the rebellions, and other country's that get in there way. This is a fighting circle, and it has killed a quarter of a million people.

4 Are there similarities between Syrian migration and migration that has occurred in the past?
The first migration, migrated to find food, shelter, fresh water and security. In Canada the Inuit and first nations moved place to place, changing there environment with the changing seasons that got them good hunting and more. Past migrated a lot to obtain cheap land or free land, others to get a new start and better economic opportunities. Some groups of humans move to escape persecution or abuse, to find freedom to learn about their religion, some countries reduce population and to extend power.

5 Why is it hard for Syrians to leave there country?
It’s hard for Syrians to leave their country because of war. To get out safe you need papers of information, no where to give your information. No transportation , but the only way to leave is to take a boat (very dangerous). Most are scared to leave there homes, family or even taking a boat.

6 If Brampton were to accept 50,000 Syrian refugees, what changes if any would the city experiences? Refugees were distributed throughout Canada what changes would you expect? There would be more houses, schools and job opening in our community. Our city and country, would try the best to help, because we’re dealing with a torn war country. People think that 50,000 people is a lot but it isn’t Canada is a immigrate country there's a lot of groups of different nationalities in Canada we are handing out a big hand to these people. Since we’re a community we can share all of our talents and we all learn and get better at what we do.

7 How will this impact Canada?
We are known for helping each other like the first nations and natives, it doesn’t matter where you came from, everyone is has to accept you. Canada was made for a reason makes our country very special. This Impacts and helps on the labor force, it develops the economic, helps on the population and helps on the growth and diversity of some city's .

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