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GRM Overview Presentation

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1 GRM Overview Presentation

2 Vision Angie’s Option, Inc. GRM, is the number
one trusted resource in the world for providing exposure to education in three areas: Altered Food How the foundation of our food has been altered and its consequences. Vitamins & Minerals What’s natural about being synthetic? as it applies to supplementation. The Science of Glycobiology What is glycosylation and how does it affect the proper function of your immune system?

3 Mission Our mission is to flood the world with an option for educational classes so people can make decisions for their own health and wellness without being subjected to marketing hype and deception.

4 Unique Position We meet legitimate, human need by
providing exposure to education so people can make decisions for their health and wellness based on education rather than widespread marketing hype and deception. We offer classes and help facilitate requested resources. These classes are strictly educational without company or product promotion. The GrassRoots Movement galvanizes like-minded people to facilitate this work.

5 Welcome from the GRM Founder Angie Law

6 Register Visit:

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