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Estonian Research Council 15 March 2018 Tallinn 20 March 2018 Tartu

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1 Estonian Research Council 15 March 2018 Tallinn 20 March 2018 Tartu
Applying for personal research funding in 2018 Estonian Research Council 15 March 2018 Tallinn 20 March 2018 Tartu

2 Previous Call (2017) In PUT-call 2017, 43 new projects got funded, incl. 13 postdoctoral projects 16 start-up projects 14 team projects … in total amount of 3,992, euros (See: Funded projects) … but 317 applications in total amount of 31,809,857 euros have been processed.

3 In Call 2018 … … you can apply for a*
postdoctoral grant (outgoing)* (PUTJD, up to 3 years), start-up grant (PSG, up to 4 years), team grant (PRG, up to 5 years); … you can compile and submit your application via the Estonian Research Information System (ETIS) at 17:00 p.m.; … the total amount of funded projects will probably be over 8 mln euros. * See about the new grant system: New system of research grants and baseline funding ** incoming postdocs can apply for a grant in Mobilitas Pluss funding scheme. The grants have been designed in compliance with the so-called research career model. Therefore, one person is eligible for a PUT postodctoral and start-up grant only once. One person can be awarded a team grant several times.

4 General Principles of Personal Research Funding
Research grants are for individual researchers and research teams; The applicant must be the Principal Investigator of the project; Research grants for capable researchers from all countries; Employment contract with an Estonian R&D institution is obligatory; The most important evaluation criteria are the scientific quality, and the capability to conduct the project; From 2017, fixed grant amounts are used, in order to minimize the application and reporting workload of researchers.

5 Who can apply for which grant? (1/2)
A person can simultaneously apply for one PUT grant but may be listed as a member of the senior research staff in yet another PUT grant application; A person cannot apply for a grant if his/her application has failed to reach the threshold in two consecutive calls (excl. team grants); he/she has, during three years before applying for a grant, failed to submit the report(s) on (a) previous project(s) funded by the Council by the deadline without a valid reason or the report(s) has (have) not been accepted by the Council.  The threshold is laid down in the Evaluation Guidelines. Threshold = at least „good“/3 points or „appropriate“ in each evaluated criterion.

6 Who can apply for which grant? (2/2)
The applicant for a postdoctoral grant: has received his/her PhD not earlier than ; has received his/her PhD in Estonia; has worked/studied at least 1 year in Estonia before The applicant for a start-up grant: has received his/her PhD between ; has gained research experience abroad after the PhD award; has not been the Principal Investigator of a start-up or exploratory project or the Principal Investigator of an institutional research funding topic (IUT). The applicant for a team grant is a researcher with a PhD degree who is leading a research team. NB! A person cannot apply for a team grant if he/she is the Principal Investigator of an IUT or of a PUT grant which continues in 2019. NB! If the applicant has been on pregnancy, maternity or parental leave, or in compulsory military service, all periods are extended by the corresponding period; NB! Neither the Postdoctoral Fellow nor the PI of a start-up grant can be replaced. The PI of a team grant can be replaced in some cases.

7 Who can participate in a grant project?
A PUTJD project is an individual grant. In a PSG project, other members of the(senior) research staff can also participate if they have the necessary qualification for carrying out the research tasks; they are working at the same institution; their salary or scholarships are fully or in part covered from the grant. In a PRG project, it is obligatory to involve other members of the (senior) research staff: senior staff members have a PhD (or equivalent); their salary or scholarships are fully or in part covered from the grant; (senior) staff can work at another Estonian R&D institution. NB! It is important to explain the role and the division of tasks of the involved (senior) staff. NB! Senior staff members can be changed during the Project period. Their participation period can also be shorter than the project period. NB! In team grant applications, the composition of the team will be evaluated as well. This means that major changes in senior staff after the funding decision can cause a new evaluation on the sustainability of the project. NB! Scholarships can be paid only to students. One person can participate in the project as a member of the (senior) staff or as a student but not in both positions simultaneously.

8 Fixed grant amounts (1/2)
The fixed grant amounts consist of direct costs and overhead costs; The direct costs consist of staff costs and research costs; Based on the estimated staff costs, the grants are either small or large (SG–1-2 FTE persons; TG–2-5 FTE persons); Depending on the specifics of a research field, small and large grants are divided into experimental and non-experimental grants; Overhead costs are 5% of direct costs in case of a postdoctoral grant, and 25% in case of start-up and team grants; The applicant of a start-up or team grant has the right to request a smaller grant amount than the fixed grant amount. Requesting a different amount than the fixed amount is reasonable if it is significantly smaller or larger than the prescribed fixed amount of this grant type. There is a working tool to assist compiling the budget for a personal research funding application.

9 Fixed grant amounts (2/2)
Requesting a different amount than the fixed amount is reasonable if it is significantly smaller or larger than the prescribed fixed amount of this grant type. There is a working tool to assist compiling the budget for a personal research funding application.

10 Fixed postdoctoral grant amounts
Direct costs (per annum) Overhead costs (per annum) Total fixed grant amount (per annum) Non-experimental 32,000 1,600 33,600 Experimental 34,000 1,700 35,700 The rates of the relocation allowance are as follows: For projects lasting up to one year – 4,000 euros; For projects lasting up to two years – 5,500 euros; For projects lasting up to three years – 7,000 euros.

11 Fixed start-up grant amounts
Direct costs (per annum) Overhead costs (per annum) Total fixed grant amount (per annum) Non-experimental small 37,500 9,375 46,875 Non-experimental large 60,000 15,000 75,000 Experimental small 40,500 10,125 50,625 Experimental large 65,000 16,250 81,250

12 Fixed team grant amounts
Direct costs (per annum) Overhead costs (per annum) Total fixed grant amount (per annum) Non-experimental small 105,000 26,250 131,250 Non-experimental large 148,000 37,000 185,000 Experimental small 114,000 28,500 142,500 Experimental large 160,000 40,000 200,000

13 Horizontal topics Description of the importance for Estonian research, culture, society, and economy; Confirmation of adherence to the requirements of research ethics; Explanation on data management; NEW! Explanation whether the project necessitates compliance with the Nagoya Protocol. The main evaluation criteria are scientific quality of the application and the sustainability of the planned project. NB! Since the aspect of the Nagoya protocol is new, no „sanctions“ will follow if an applicant by mistake makes a wrong mark (compliance with the Nagoya Protocol). In case the evaluators will have questions on that, ETAg will contact applicants individually.

14 Tips to applicants (1/3) Call will open on 1 April 2018 and close on 30 April :00 Estonian time. NB! The application is submitted only after the institution has confirmed it via ETIS. Please follow the deadlines of your institution. Write the application yourself. In case using texts from ohter authors, cite them properly; Update your CV–check your employment data, projects, clearly indicate your research experience (e.g. postdoc), etc; Clearly bring out your contribution to the research articles and projects attached to the application;

15 Tips to applicants (2/3) Calculate a realistic budget and justify the requested grant amount. While approving grant applications, no changes will be made in the applied grant amounts. This means that, e.g. an application for a large team grant will be either approved or denied. Don´t apply for a large grant, because you believe that the amount will be reduced anyway. Requesting a different amount than the fixed amount is reasonable if it is significantly smaller or larger than the prescribed fixed amount of this grant type. If the grant amount applied for is not justified enough, the application will be denied.

16 Tips to applicants (3/3) Take the questions on research ethics and data management seriously. Use the text boxes provided in the application form to make all relevant comments. While writing the short summary of the project, please consider that it is meant to be understandable for a wider public. Read the „Guidelines for Evaluating Personal Research Funding Applications“ very carefully. Put on the „reviewer hat“ before confirming your application.

17 The evaluation process
… will take place in six research areas (according to the OECD Frascati 2015 Manual): Medical and health sciences Humanities and the arts Natural sciences Agricultural and veterinary sciences Social sciences Engineering and technology … will come to the preliminary financing proposal of the Evaluation Committee by the beginning of November. The Evaluation Committee will make its final financing proposal in December. The applicants can specify in ETIS in which expert group they would like their applications to be evaluated. The Evaluation Committee can, however, decide to evaluate an application in another expert group in order to guarantee the best expertise of the evaluation process.

18 More information (1/2) Regulations and guidelines on PUT-Call 2018, incl. frequently asked questions General info: Siret Rutiku tel ) Medical and Health Sciences: Ade Kallas-Kivi (tel , Bio and Environmental Sciences: Kersti Sõgel (tel , Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts: Hele Priimets (tel , Engineering and Technology: Julia Uusna (tel , Exact Sciences: Mikk Vahtrus (tel ,

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