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Oxygen These images are used to start discussions on oxygen based on what the students are already familiar with.

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Presentation on theme: "Oxygen These images are used to start discussions on oxygen based on what the students are already familiar with."— Presentation transcript:

1 Oxygen These images are used to start discussions on oxygen based on what the students are already familiar with.

2 Air Is a mixture 1/5 of air is oxygen. How do we investigate this?
Nitrogen, Oxygen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide 1/5 of air is oxygen. How do we investigate this? I have used the style of slideshow that students are asked to show me their knowledge. The slides are being used for revision purposes, not just for me to teach the subject again.

3 Preparation of Oxygen Hydrogen Peroxide Oxygen and Water
I have emphasised both the chemical and word equation on this slide so that students see visually that I place importance on knowing them. Hydrogen Peroxide Oxygen and Water Manganese Dioxide is a catalyst => speeds up the reaction How do we test for presence of oxygen? Oxygen relights a glowing splint

4 Combustion in Oxygen Carbon burns in oxygen. Carbon Dioxide produced.
CO2 is acidic. Again, I am highlighting the required information students need to remember, while reminding the the students of the practicals that they carried out. Magnesium burns in oxygen. Magnesium Oxide produced. MgO is basic.

5 Properties of Oxygen Colourless, odourless, tasteless gas.
Supports combustion (burning). It’s pH is neutral. Substances that burn in oxygen form oxides.

6 Uses of Oxygen Hyperbaric chamber Breathing Apparatus Welding
There are many examples of oxygen use in everyday life. I chose these as they were given to me by the students when I covered the chapter. Hence I am using the students own learning to remind them of the topic during the revision. Oxygen Bar

7 Carbon Dioxide Though keeping the same slide background and layout, I have changed slightly some of the animations from the oxygen section. The manner of keeping them separate means that they can be revised separately if required.

8 Preparation of Carbon Dioxide
Again, I have emphasised the word and chemical equation as students can mix these up at times or not place a high enough priority on them during their studies. Calcium Carbonate + Hydrochloric Acid Carbon Dioxide + Water + Calcium Chloride

9 Tests for Carbon Dioxide
Will extinguish a lighted splint. Changes blue litmus red. Turns limewater milky. I have tried where possible on these slides to keep the word count to a minimum. Students should have most of this information already so this is just a reminder for their revision. Calcium Hydroxide + Carbon Dioxide Calcium Carbonate + Water

10 Properties of Carbon Dioxide
Colourless, odourless and tasteless gas. Doesn’t support combustion. It’s pH is acidic. Turns limewater milky. Heavier than air.

11 Uses of Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers Soft Drinks Paintball
Dry Ice Again, the use of students examples can be used demonstrate peer learning. Carbon Dioxide Cannons Photosynthesis

12 Any Questions?

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