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U.S. History Mr. Cross PART III

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1 U.S. History 2011-12 Mr. Cross PART III
Final Exam Review U.S. History Mr. Cross PART III

2 Cold War NATO Warsaw Pact Marshall Plan Truman Doctrine Germany/Berlin
U.S. and their allies Capitalist, democratic, non-communist countries Warsaw Pact Soviet Union and their allies Many taken by force, have no choice Communist dictatorships, puppet governments Marshall Plan U.S. gives economic aid to recovering European democracies An effort to stop the spread of communism during crisis after WWII Truman Doctrine Gave $400m to aid Greece and Turkey in their fight against communism Pledged that the U.S. would aid any country attempting resist communism Germany/Berlin Germany split into four zones after WWII 3 controlled by NATO form West Germany Soviet Union turns their zone into E. Germany Berlin split into four zones as well, however, all were inside Soviet territory

3 NATO v. Warsaw Pact

4 Cold War “Containment” Berlin Blockade Berlin Airlift
U.S. policy of not allowing communism to spread outside of its existing boundaries Soviet Union, China Main reason for the start of Korean War Berlin Blockade Soviet Union blocks all land/water entrances into Berlin in response to NATO countries merging their 3 territories into W. Germany Threatens war is anyone breaches blockade Berlin Airlift U.S./NATO countries fly supplies into Berlin for several weeks Eventually the Soviet Union ends the blockade Korean War ( ) Fought to stop spread of communism into Korea War ends w/ a communist N. Korea and democratic S. Korea Bay of Pigs Invasion Cuban exiles trained by U.S. SF to assassinate and overthrow Fidel Castro They are captured/killed and invasion fails Huge embarrassment for U.S.

5 Cold War Cuban Missile Crisis
Soviet Union places nuclear missiles on Cuba, in response to U.S. nuclear weapons in Turkey Tense standoff that lasts for about two weeks U.S. blockades Cuba – No supplies in or out Eventually reach a mutual agreement to remove nuclear missiles from threatening locations

6 Civil Rights Movement Dred Scott v. Sandford (1896)
Established the doctrine of “separate but equal” Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) Ruled that “separate but equal was unconstitutional”/ended segregation Jim Crow Laws Discriminated against Southern blacks Enforced segregation Took rights away from Southern blacks such as the right to vote, own land and assemble peacefully Peaceful Protests The preferred method of protest by MLK Jr. Sit-ins, boycotts and marches Sit-ins and boycotts by far the most successful Montgomery Bus Boycott – Response to Rosa Parks Violent Protest Riots, fighting back against police and Southern whites The more preferred method of protest for activists like Malcolm X

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