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Commas – Independent Clauses; Nonessential Elements

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1 Commas – Independent Clauses; Nonessential Elements
Ch Punctuation Commas – Independent Clauses; Nonessential Elements

2 Use a comma before coordinating conjunctions joining independent clauses
Review: Coordinating conjunctions = and, but, nor, or, so, yet Independent clause = complete thought; can stand alone Example: He wanted to play Clash of Clans, but his iPad was restricted. Independent Clauses

3 Nonessential Elements
Use a comma to set off elements which are not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. My uncle, who just started working in Colorado, will be with us for the holidays. (My uncle will be with us for the holidays. Still makes sense.) The book Frankenstein; or the Modern Prometheus, which was first published in 1818, was written by Mary Shelley. Nonessential Elements

4 Do NOT use a comma when clauses or phrases are necessary to the meaning of the sentence.
The poem that we read yesterday in class can be used in your paper. (The poem can be used in your paper. Which poem?) The first person who turns in their paper will get candy. (The first person will get candy. Which first person?) WHEN WRITING: The use of commas determines what is essential vs. non-essential. My sister, who is older than me, got a new car yesterday. (only one sister) My sister who is older than me got a new car yesterday. (more than one sister- only talking about the one who is older) Essential Elements

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