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Homework Assignment 3 Impact of Infrastructure on Cooperation

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1 Homework Assignment 3 Impact of Infrastructure on Cooperation
The Aral Game - 3 Homework Assignment 3 Impact of Infrastructure on Cooperation

2 Aral Homework Assignment 3
Utilizes the regional allocation game Background provided earlier Hydro-economic optimization model in Appendix 2 of the text Teams conduct analyses in the assignment What is the role of investment in infrastructure and management on cooperation in the basin?

3 Background Adding an investment option to the set of possible cooperation interventions in the region. The two types of investments are: increasing the reservoir capacity; and increasing irrigation efficiency by moving to irrigation technologies that reduce runoff. Introduce and analyze the impact of investment decisions aimed at improving water infrastructure and management.

4 Background Your team is part of an International Panel (IP) that must evaluate possible cooperative arrangements and regional development for the region. 2026 is the target year for planning the Aral Basin cooperative arrangements. Two major processes will affect the basin: Deterioration of irrigation infrastructure: The productivity per irrigated hectare ($/ha) decreases. The return flows increase, meaning that a big portion of the water applied to fields is not utilized efficiently and is lost as return flows.  Population growth: Population in 2026 will increase by 15% causing a similar increase in the domestic energy demand of Kyrgyzstan.

5 Background Kyrgyzstan will take a loan to increase the capacity of Toktogul Reservoir by 10%. To pay off this loan, Hydro Energy Cost is increased by $US/kWh Price to purchase energy is also is increased by $US/kWh New irrigation technologies and canal lining will decrease water needs for irrigation (per hectare) by 10% for both Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan, increase agricultural production (Profit) by 20% per hectare for Uzbekistan and 25% per hectare for Kazakhstan reduce return flow coefficients for Uzbekistan from 0.4 to 0.3 Kazakhstan from 0.4 to 0.2. Cost of the irrigation system investment would be paid by Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan at the rate of $25 per irrigated hectare.

6 Assignment The IP has to:
Use the average climate scenario for flow data (already done) Recalculate the relevant coefficients for the Aral Game model (already done) Assess several alternative regional arrangements Come up with two alternate regional cooperative arrangements for negotiation. Coalitions and benefit allocations

7 Assignment Report on the following for each of the scenarios (see spreadsheet for an example): Short description of the parameters used Coalition values Energy produced Land under irrigation Water in Storage: Beginning and end of year. Water used by each riparian Water going to the Aral.  For each scenarios calculate the Shapley Value allocation Discuss the stability of the agreement  Prepare < 1-page policy note for your presentation of the alternatives and the IP recommendation to the heads of states that will meet on November 17, 2016 at 12:30 pm.

8 Scenarios KG UZ KZ a no b yes c d e f g h KG no
KG UZ KZ a no b yes c d e f g h KG no no expansion of reservoir KG yes expansion of reservoir UZ no no irrigation rehab UZ yes irrigation rehab KZ no KZ yes

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