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Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign

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Presentation on theme: "Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign"— Presentation transcript:

1 Advancing Excellence in America’s Nursing Homes Campaign
OUR MISSION Making nursing homes better places to live, work and visit OUR VISION Every nursing home resident in America experiences person-centered quality of life as a result of a stable and empowered workforce, dedicated to improving clinical and organizational outcomes, and engaging in open communication and transparency.

2 Campaign Overview How We Got Started Our Members Continuing Our Work

3 Campaign Overview THE CAMPAIGN INCLUDES:
More than 60% (9,455) of the nation’s nursing homes 3,578 consumers 3,216 nursing home staff members 52 state-based Local Area Networks of Excellence (LANEs)

4 Circle of Success

5 Nine New Goals PROCESS GOALS Improving Staff Stability
Increasing Use of Consistent Assignment Increasing Person-Centered Care Safely Reducing Hospitalizations Continued …

6 Nine New Goals CLINICAL GOALS Using Medications Appropriately
Increasing Resident Mobility Preventing and Managing Infections Safely Reducing Pressure Ulcers Decreasing Symptoms of Pain

7 Expected Outcomes To Engage and Challenge Nursing Homes
To Provide Valuable Data and Quality Improvement

8 Expected Outcomes To Establish National Standards and Best Practices
Becoming a Central Voice for Quality Initiatives

9 Advancing Excellence and QAPI
Broader Impact Advancing Excellence and QAPI New CMS Quality Assurance/Performance Improvement requirements emphasize: Problem identification Data collection Root-cause analysis Performance measurement and tracking

10 Broader Impact 5 Elements of QAPI
Element 1 Design and Scope Element 2 Governance and Leadership Element 3 Feedback, Data Systems and Monitoring Element 4 Performance Improvement Projects Element 5 Systematic Analysis and Systemic Action

11 Broader Impact Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Reactive
Proactive Episode or event-based Aggregate data and patterns Prevent recurrence Optimize process Sometime anecdotal Always measurable Retrospective Concurrent Audit-based monitoring Continuous monitoring Sometimes punitive Positive change

12 Using Advancing Excellence to support QAPI
Broader Impact Using Advancing Excellence to support QAPI Advancing Excellence goal “packages” can help nursing homes align with QAPI Goals include clinical, resident choice and organizational infrastructure topics (QAPI Element 1 and 4) Advancing Excellence’s Circle of Success – PDSA change framework for systematic performance analysis leading to systemic action (QAPI Element 5) Data measurement and tracking tools (QAPI Elements 3, 4 and 5)

13 Using Advancing Excellence to support QAPI
Broader Impact Using Advancing Excellence to support QAPI Advancing Excellence goal “packages” can help nursing homes align with QAPI Root-cause analysis tools – called “Probing Questions” (QAPI Element 5) Measures created from best available evidence (QAPI Element 1) Vetted resources to guide interventions (QAPI Element 4) Consumer, staff and leadership fact sheets (QAPI Element 2)

14 About the Campaign National, Voluntary, Aligned
Registered Participant/Active Participant Register, Update Profile Select Goals Submit Data

15 Quality Improvement Resources for NINE New Goals
Mobility Person-Centered Care Consistent Assignment Infections C. difficile Pressure Ulcers Staff Stability Medications Antipsychotics Hospitalizations Pain Management

16 Organizational Goals Mobility Person-Centered Care Consistent
Assignment Infections C. difficile Pressure Ulcers Staff Stability Medications Antipsychotics Hospitalizations Pain Management

17 PlanDoStudyAct

18 Explore the Goal


20 Why Choose Mobility?

21 PlanDoStudyAct

22 Where am I?

23 PlanDoStudyAct

24 Study Examine Processes Probing Questions

25 PlanDoStudyAct

26 Improve

27 Engage

28 The Tracking Tools AE_YourGoalTrackingTool.xls

29 QA and PI Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Reactive Proactive
Episode or event-based Aggregate data & patterns Prevent recurrence Optimize process Sometime anecdotal Always measurable Retrospective Concurrent Audit-based monitoring Continuous monitoring Sometimes punitive Positive change

30 QA and PI Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Reactive Proactive
Episode or event-based Aggregate data & patterns Prevent recurrence Optimize process Sometime anecdotal Always measurable Retrospective Concurrent Audit-based monitoring Continuous monitoring What went wrong? How can we be excellent?

31 Tracking Tools Support QA and PI
Easy view of individual records allows resident-level view Matrix of individual data allows scanning for patterns Summary information helps identify opportunities to improve at the system level

32 Data and the Quality Improvement Process
How do I know where I am? Where do I want to be? What processes are associated with my outcome? When I change a process, how do I know it had the effect I wanted? How am I doing compared to other nursing homes working on this goal?

33 Staff Stability

34 Consistent Assignment

35 Person Centered Care

36 Hospitalizations

37 Infections

38 Medications

39 Mobility

40 Pressure Ulcers

41 Pain

42 Monthly Data Entry on the AE Website
From You Enter ONLY summary data from your tracking tool – just a few numbers each month. Estimated time: 10 minutes or less For You Maintain your status as an Active Participant Let consumers find you and display your contact information and a link to your website View your data: Trend graphs display your progress over time See your progress compared to other Campaign participants within your state and the nation

43 What’s Next Strengthening the Lanes Increasing Nursing Home Participation Expanding Campaign Outreach

44 Thank you! Adrienne Thomas
Visit Us Connect Online Adrienne Thomas (202) Contact Us

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