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17.3 – Temperature Controls

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1 17.3 – Temperature Controls

2 Do Now What factors have a strong influence on temperature?

3 Do Now What factors have a strong influence on temperature? Latitude
Heating of Land and Water Altitude Geographic Position Cloud Cover Ocean Currents

4 Key Words Variation

5 Vocab Words Albedo Isotherm

6 Why Temperatures Vary Temperature is one of the most basic elements of weather and climate. A temperature control is any factor that causes temperature to vary from place to place and from time to time. Latitude Heating of Land and Water Altitude Geographic Position Cloud Cover Ocean Currents

7 Land and Water Land heats more rapidly and to higher temperatures than water. Land also cools more rapidly and to lower temperatures than water. Temperature variations are considerably greater over land than over water.


9 Geographic Position The geographic setting can greatly influence temperatures experienced at a specific location. Close to the ocean where breeze comes from the ocean to land vs. close to the ocean where breeze comes from the land to ocean. Mountains acting as barriers, blocking breezes and creating different temperatures.



12 Altitude The altitude can greatly influence temperatures experienced at a specific location. The higher you are the colder the temperatures will be. You can be at the same latitude, but being higher up in altitude will result in cooler temperatures.


14 Cloud Cover and Albedo Albedo is the fraction of total radiation that is reflected by any surface. Many clouds have a high albedo and therefore reflect back to space a significant portion of the sunlight that strikes them. During the day clouds have a high albedo. During the night, clouds have opposite effect and act like a blanket, trapping in the heat from the land.


16 Isotherms Isotherms are lines on a weather map that connect points where the temperature is the same. Isotherms generally trend east and west and show a decrease in temperatures from the tropics toward the poles.


18 Group Activity Copy Figure 19 on page 492, both A & B, and answer the following questions: 1. What is happening to the solar radiation in Figure A? 2. How do the clouds during the day affect the temperature? 3. What is happening in Figure B? 4. How do clouds affect the temperatures? 5. Why do clouds during the day and night affect temperature differently?

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