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Quarter 3 Unit 1 Bud Not Buddy

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1 Quarter 3 Unit 1 Bud Not Buddy
Lesson 11 Quarter 3 Unit 1 Bud Not Buddy

2 Materials Needed for this lesson:
Take out he following from your binder: Glossary for Stanford University Commencement Address: Steve Jobs. Resource 6.5 Paragraphs 20–23 of the Steve Jobs Speech—Text-Dependent Questions Resource 11.1 Forming Evidence-Based Claims graphic organizer Resource 11.2 Stanford University Commencement Address: Steve Jobs: Paragraphs Details to Support the Claim Note-catcher Resource 11.3 Connections between Steve Jobs and Bud anchor chart (from Lesson 7) Resource7.4

3 Rules in Chapter 11 of Bud, Not Buddy
Use what you recorded on your Tracking Bud’s Rules graphic organizer to think and then respond: “What rules did Bud refer to in Chapter 11?” “What is the meaning of Bud’s rule number 29?” “What life experiences may have led Bud to feel this way?”

4 Unpacking Learning Targets
“I can read Paragraphs 20–23 of the Steve Jobs speech closely in order to answer text-dependent questions.” “I can make a claim using details from Paragraphs 20–23 of the Steve Jobs speech.” “I can connect the events described by Steve Jobs in Paragraphs 20–23 of his speech to those experienced by Bud in the novel Bud, Not Buddy.”

5 Text-Dependent Questions, Paragraphs 20–23
Take out Paragraphs 20–23 of the Steve Jobs Speech—Text-Dependent Questions Resource 11.1 You are to independently complete this for the next 15 minutes. Once they finish check work and repeat handout in concert with the Close Reading Guide

6 Forming Evidence-Based Claims: Paragraphs 20–23
Take out: Forming Evidence-Based Claims graphic organizer Resource 11.2. You will use this organizer in Lesson 9 to make a claim in order to answer a question. Post this question on the board and explain that the claim students make needs to answer this question: “Why does Steve Jobs make the puzzling claim in Paragraph 21 that “death is very likely the single best invention of life”? Invite students to record the question at the top of their Forming Evidence- Based Claims organizer for quick reference as they are working.

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