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How Night Came from the Sea

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Presentation on theme: "How Night Came from the Sea"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Night Came from the Sea
Retold By: Mary-Joan Gerson

2 Day 1 - Question of the Week
How have people explained the pattern of day and night?

3 Concept Vocabulary Night Sky Day and Night Night Creatures darkness

4 Generalize A generalization is a broad statement or rule that applies to many examples. A clue word such as all, most, always, usually, or generally signals that an author is making a generalization. Some generalizations are valid, which means they are supported by facts. Some are faulty, which means that they are not supported.

5 Generalize Generalization Clue Word?

6 Night Hear Night See Feel

7 Day 2 - Question of the Day
How would you describe nighttime to someone who had never experienced it?

8 Day 3 - Question of the Day
How might How Night Came from the Sea be different if it took place in the cold Arctic?

9 Day 4 - Question of the Day
Which do you enjoy hearing more - stories told from memory or stories read from a book? Why?

10 Day 5 - Question of the Week
How have people explained the pattern of day and night?

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