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Do local social problems need centralized statistics?

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Presentation on theme: "Do local social problems need centralized statistics?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Do local social problems need centralized statistics?
Statistics Austria: Matthias Till Paris June 27th, 2012 Potential for small area poverty estimates

2 Focus on the poor for improving QoL …because the rich may be saturated

3 stimulate Interest to learn about inform Decision to fight
Poverty statistics may meet needs on different levels create Awareness of poverty stimulate Interest to learn about inform Decision to fight support Action to alleviate global local Indicators 3

4 National data can not guarantee regional precision
National rates for poverty&exclusion are estimated from EU-SILC (harmonized data) > 200k hhds in 30 countries (together ~ 50 years of interviewing time) Same regional precision would require little less effort (per region!) Collection effort may triple for NUTS1 regions and be tenfold for NUTS2 Annual data collections of such magnitude are unrealistic! Small municipalities may never be included in a sample

5 Example: ARP, NUTS2 Austria
source: Statistik Austria EU-SILC source: Statistik Austria EU-SILC not significantly different from AT13 (Vienna) 5

6 Project on NUTS2 poverty in AT
Jointly commissioned by the “Länder” to ensure comparability ( ) harmonisation of SILC/LFS variables for indirect estimation -> model based projections impute propensities for poverty in LFS Additional (national) module on income in LFS as a reality check Review of a number of recent initiatives in small area estimation (EURAREA, SAMPLE, AMELI, for comprehensive documentation and software see ) Synthesis and evaluation of competing strategies

7 Principle of Small Area Estimation
find optimum between low variance with acceptable bias, & large, unbiased variance x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Expected value e.g. estimate mean directly from area sample e.g. estimate mean indirectly from grand mean Seite 7 7

8 MSE = Variance + Bias2 Seite 8 8

9 Preliminary conclusions
Always calculate standard errors! If errors are large (e.g. CV > .165) derive structural information from 3-yr average ys as simplest and most flexible solution Analysis of risk factors and their harmonized measurement in core variables is essential for enhancing precision by using auxiliary information. We can have more stable results! For small numbers of regions and highly informative sampling designs model assisted methods (GREG or calibration estimators) appear closer to application than model based Need for long term capacity building for practical SAE application

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