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Today is Tuesday, August 30th

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Presentation on theme: "Today is Tuesday, August 30th"— Presentation transcript:

1 Today is Tuesday, August 30th
Agenda Warm Up: -Read pgs 110 – 112 -Vocab and Questions Hmwk- Review Exploration Without using your notes, recall the areas of North America that each of these European countries settled: France Spain England

2 Vocabulary Terms Slave: person who had few rights and spent his or her life in service to others Indentured servant: a person who agreed to work for someone for a set period of time in exchange for passage to the new world. Garrison: a fort where troops are housed Trustee: a person who holds responsibility on behalf of others Charter: a legal document that grants special rights and privileges Regulations: government orders Artisan: a craftsperson Militia: a citizen army Colony: A group of people who settle in a new land but who keep their ties to their homeland. Mercantilism: A trade policy that dictates a country should EXPORT more than it IMPORTS. 

3 English Settlement in the New World

4 Pages After the Spanish Armada, England had undisputed control of the seas The English were looking for gold, silver, and exotic foods. Virginia and Massachusetts were the first two English colonies The English came to the new world for religious freedom, to spread Christianity to the Native Americans, adventure, and mercantilism.

5 Mercantilism

6 In order to export more than it imported, English colonies would produce raw materials to be shipped to England for finished goods to be made. Products would be sold to other nations to strengthen its own economy. They arrived too late to plant crops and their location near a swamp lead to an outbreak of Malaria leaving only 38 out of 104 settlers alive at the end of the first year. Indentured servants are people who agreed to work for a period time in return for passage to the New World, while slaves ad few rights and spent their entire lives in service.

7 England realized that they needed a “buffer” between their colonies and the Spanish settlement, and Georgia would create that buffer. England felt that both the Spanish and French posed a threat to the British colonies, so they asked for a fort to built at the mouth of the Altamaha River for protection. It served as a warning point for invaders but was eventually abandoned due to Indian raids, swampy conditions, and sickness.

8 What items were exchanged:
Items brought to Old World: corn, peanuts, turkeys, pumpkin Items brought to the New World: rye radishes, beets, sugar cane, rice, peaches, wheat, horses, chicken, pigs, oxen, sheep, goats, and cattle

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