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Ms. Nimmons’ Classroom rules

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Presentation on theme: "Ms. Nimmons’ Classroom rules"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ms. Nimmons’ Classroom rules
A Discipline Exam will be given this Friday!

2 Please copy these rules onto a clean sheet of paper and Study Them!
Know the rules! Please copy these rules onto a clean sheet of paper and Study Them! A Discipline Exam will be given this Friday!

3 Respect your teacher and peers—always!
This rule applies all the time. There are no exceptions!

4 No talking while the teacher is talking.
If you talk without permission, no matter how quietly it is done, you have lost focus of the lesson.

5 Raise your hand to get out of your seat!
For safety reasons, we must be aware of when someone is about to move.

6 Keep your hands and feet to yourselves.
You do not have permission to hit or kick anyone! It is imperative that you control your actions and emotions!

7 Use appropriate language at all times.
Please refrain from using profane language and racial slurs in this classroom.

8 No locker time during class!
Please bring all necessary materials to class when you come.

9 Bullying, instigating, and fighting are prohibited!
No one fights OR BELITTLES OTHERS in Ms. Nimmons’ room! Respect must prevail at all times!

10 No food, gum, candy, hats, toys, UNAPPROVED electronicS, wheelies, spinners, etc.
The only food you are allowed to eat in here will be provided by the teacher.

11 Cellphones are only allowed for work purposes.
If you are caught texting, listening to music, or watching videos during class, without permission, an administrator will come and collect your phone!

12 The teacher dismisses the class—always!
We do not leave this classroom without permission! Exceptions: You are bleeding, having trouble breathing, or are about to throw up!

13 Tardies are not tolerated!
This will be strictly enforced. We do not have time to waste! In order to avoid a tardy, you must be IN YOUR SEAT when the class start time arrives—NOT RUNNING IN THE DOOR! [ A PASS FROM A TEACHER OR OFFICE STAFF WILL EXCUSE YOU FROM BEING LATE.]

14 Respect is everything in our classroom!
The teacher does not play! She wants what’s best for each of yOU! Yes, she means what she says!!!

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