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Southwest Culture Area

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1 Southwest Culture Area
The Anasazi ca BP and 700 BP

2 Ancestors of the Pueblo People
The Anasazi Ancestors of the Pueblo People Anasazi bowl

3 “Anasazi” – a Navajo word Pre-Columbian Civilization
Town Dwellers “Anasazi” – a Navajo word Pre-Columbian Civilization ca BP and 700 BP ? disappearance ? Chetro Ketl Cliff dwellings at Mesa Verde

4 Anasazi and Pueblo Ancestors to contemporary Puebloan peoples
“ethnographic analogy” Why such change? Transitioned into smaller-scale society

5 Economy / Subsistence Farming Corn Three sisters “Dry farming”
Corn cribs Farming Three sisters “Dry farming” Corn Intensive processing and preparation Evidence of extreme arthritis Mano and Metate

6 Social Organization Matrilineal Lineage elders held significant power
Elder : Chief Kinsmen pay tribute Work collectively Surplus Elaborate ritual etc.

7 Roads Evidence of extensive trade, or something else?
social organization / stratification Trade routes (?) Religious/Political service (?) Both (?) Regulation Valley of Mexico (?) Turquoise Obsidian (?)

8 Theocracy Astronomy Rule by priests
Calendric rituals “Time keepers” Chiefs & Priest = upper stratum of society Tribute Astronomy Architectural features suggest observatories Prior to architectural forms, natural features were used to mark passage of sun or celestial objects Timing and scheduling Control the calendar – control the society

9 Cosmology Layered universe Upper world is permanent
sacredness is to transport between worlds Sipapu – opening Four worlds Each ends in catastrophe 4th (present) world

10 Kachinas Emerge from 3rd world via sipapu
Not “dolls” but masked figures Represent sacred beings kachina figurines assist memory Kachina in rock painting?

11 Ritual: Calendric return of the sun after solstice
rainy summer season. Hopi snake dance Anasazi not exactly the same, but quite similar to modern Pueblo peoples.

12 Rock Art Kokapelli and Friends Hunting Magic?  hands 6-toed feet 
Sacred contact? Sipapu?

13 Kiva Provides point of contact Emergence of sacred beings Sipapu
Originally humans re-emerge after death Coyote covered it up. Anasazi kiva (reconstruction) Kiva at Chaco Canyon

14 Kiva-archaeology “Basketmaker” phase lived in “pit houses”
many groups continued to live in pit houses. Anasazi developed pueblo-style housing retain kivas as ritual space

15 Kiva Gender and Society
Secular as well as Sacred space Two sacred periods winter and summer Remaining secular periods “men’s club.” foster solidarity among adult men Some women allowed on occasion uncommon Women of childbearing age generally kept out.

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