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Ms. West 6th Grade AC Reading

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1 Ms. West 6th Grade AC Reading
Welcome Parents! Ms. West 6th Grade AC Reading

2 ABOUT ME…. Graduated from The University of Georgia
This is my 3rd year at Hightower Trail Taught 8 years at East Cobb Middle School Taught 8 years at Webb Bridge Middle in Fulton County

3 Expectations Be present and ready to learn.
Have a positive attitude to achieve your goals. Use respectful language and tones. Always put forth your best effort. Follow teacher directions.

4 BYOD 6th Grade Policy: Students will be told when BYOD is planned for a class. Students will be sent to their locker to retrieve their device at the beginning of that class period.  When that class is over, the student will be sent to their locker again, to place the device back for safe keeping. Students will be told how they may use their device for that class ONLY.     

5 BYOD is under the same internet restrictions as the entire school.
  BYOD is under the same internet restrictions as the entire school.  Any unauthorized use of the device will cause the teacher to collect the device and turn it into the front office administrators. A parent/guardian will then have to come to the school to pick up the device. Any student whose device has been turned in to the front office, will forfeit their opportunity to use BYOD in any class for the remainder of the year.  Students ARE NOT required to have or use a device.  This is simply a way to incorporate more technology into student learning.

Comprehension Skills in Informational Texts and Literary Texts: Main Idea, Inference, Theme, Author’s Purpose, Sequencing, and Character Analysis/Fiction and Non-Fiction/Critical Analysis/Research Skills/Vocabulary and Greek and Latin Roots Nine weeks Quarter 1 Ongoing Focus on Comprehension Skills in Informational Texts and Literary Texts/Fiction and Non-Fiction/Research Skills/Vocabulary and Greek and Latin Roots Nine Weeks Quarter 2 Ongoing Focus on Comprehension Skills in Informational Texts and Literary Texts/ Non-Fiction Patterns: Chronological, Cause and Effect, Compare and Contrast, and Problem and Solution/Research Skills//Vocabulary and Greek and Latin Roots Quarter 3 Ongoing Focus on Comprehension Skills in Informational Texts and Literary Texts/Response to Literature: Novel Study/Research Skills//Vocabulary and Greek and Latin Roots Quarter 4

7 THEME Focus DURATION SEMESTER Survival We started the year with a brief look at our summer reading (specifically Hoot). We will begin reading Tangerine by Edward Bloor in a few weeks. As we read this novel, we will also look at numerous informational pieces, including one about sink holes. Nine weeks Quarter 1 During 2nd quarter, students will be given an opportunity to choose several novels of their choice. We will set up a contract with them to complete over the course of the nine weeks. As they are working on these novels, we will continue reading informational texts pertaining to other subject areas. Nine Weeks Quarter 2 During 3rd quarter, we will venture into Wonderland. Our focus this quarter will be Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland. Again, we will continue reading Informational texts. Quarter 3 During our final quarter, we will participate in Literature Circles. Students will join groups very similar to Book Clubs. They will choose a book and discuss with their group throughout the quarter. Quarter 4

8 Daily Routines: DEAR Reading Journals: either writing about their reading or responding to a quote Informational Texts/Literary Texts (our first novel is Tangerine) Media Center Vocabulary We will take the SRI three times this year. The next time w

9 Grading Policy:

10 ADVANCED CONTENT The curriculum and instructional strategies for this course are differentiated in content, pacing, process skills emphasis, and expectation for student outcomes from the typical 6th grade reading course. Curriculum content has been designed for mastery and extension of state and district performance standards. The course is appropriate for students who have high achievement and interest in reading. Students are placed in this class according to specified indicators of demonstrated exceptional ability and motivation

11 The following criteria will be used to remain in a Gifted/AC class:
The following criteria will be used to remain in a Gifted/AC class: Students must meet continuation criteria to remain in the class and these criteria require that the students maintain an 80% or better average in the class. If the semester average falls below 80%, then the student will be placed on academic probation for the following 18 week semester. If the student does not achieve 80% or greater at the end of the probationary period, then they will be removed from the AC course for all of the subsequent semesters.


13 Homework and Absence Policy
Homework is due on the date that is assigned. There is a no-late policy for all homework assignments. Projects and Essays will be accepted late; however, there will be a ten point per late day deduction. In case of an excused absence, the student will have the number of days missed to make up the work.

14 Focus on reading at home
Focus on reading at home! Help your child find some great books and talk with them about the books that they are reading.

15 Table Talk My goal this year is to periodically send you s titled “Table Talk”. The purpose of “Table Talk” is to give you something to discuss with your child at home. (discussion questions about the novels that we are reading in class, etc.) I hope you will enjoy discussing with your child the books we are currently reading in class.

16 How can YOU help your child prepare?
Table talks Occasional table talk discussion prompts ed out. Encourage their reading habits and discussions Be aware of help sessions Reading and LA: Thursdays

Check agendas daily for HW assignments. Also, feel free to send me any notes through the agenda. Synergy for grades Blog for daily assignments Contact me ( is the best) with any questions, comments or concerns! My blog:

18 If you wish to donate… We are always in need of construction paper. In addition, I will gladly accept any novels that your child has already read to add to our class library. But all items are GREATLY appreciated. 

19 About your child Please take a moment to write down a couple of things about your son/daughter that you would like me to know as his/her teacher. (learning styles, strengths, weaknesses, something you admire in him/her, etc.) If you need more time, please feel free to me later.

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