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La Relación con los Padres- relationship with parents

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Presentation on theme: "La Relación con los Padres- relationship with parents"— Presentation transcript:

1 La Relación con los Padres- relationship with parents

2 Avisar- to let someone know

3 Consultar- to check To check

4 Hacer Caso- to pay attention

5 Hacer Las Paces / Hacer la paz- to make up

6 Levantar La Voz- to raise one’s voice

7 Ponerse De Acuerdo- to reach an agreement

8 Estar Equivocado(a)- to make a mistake

9 Reaccionar- to react

10 mantener (like “tener”)
To maintain

11 resolver (ue)- to resolve

12 Criticar- to crticize

13 Respetar- to respect

14 Alabar- to praise

15 Comentar- to comment

16 Dañar- to hurt To hurt

17 disculpar(se)- to excuse

18 Felicitar- to congratulate

19 Ofender- to offend To offend

20 El Conflicto- conflict

21 La Diferencia de Opinión- difference of opinion

22 La Obligación- obligation

23 La Relación- relationship

24 El Comportamiento- behavior

25 la paz- peace

26 Tal Como Soy- as I am

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