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CODE: BPT 3613 TECHNOLOGY ASSESSMENT Ahmad bin Othman, PhD BPT3613 2 December 2018

2 TOPICS TO BE COVERED TODAY (17/1/11) Scope of technology
Issues in using Technology Issues in technology assessment Discussions BPT3613 2 December 2018

3 By the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
Objectives: By the end of this lesson, you should be able to: Identify the scope of technology, as you see it. Identify and discuss issues concerning the use of technology and technology assessment. BPT3613 2 December 2018

4 Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA) What is Technology Audit?
“Technology audit is an analysis performed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technological assets on an organisation. It aims to assess the firm’s position in technology in relation to its competitors and the state of the art.” (Tarek Khalil, 2000) BPT3613 2 December 2018

5 Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA)
The essential meaning of TA is that making technological choices should be preceded by a thorough analysis of all the consequences the choice might have. BPT3613 2 December 2018

6 Understanding of Technology Assessment (TA)
TA teams – characteristics Assessment can be carried out by small teams of expert assessors aided by advice from experts in the relevant fields of knowledge Attempt to be as objective and as truthful as possible Collect a full range of available sources provide a reasonable approximation to objectivity must be free of fear willing and able to say what they see as the truth be an inquisitive independent mind and of a sceptical disposition weighing up all evidence carefully to obtain a true balance. BPT3613 2 December 2018

7 SEKIAN (HARI KE-1) BPT3613 2 December 2018

8 Topic to be covered.. Forecasting Technology
Critical Technologies and Technology Maps National Critical Technologies Critical Technologies at the Firm Level Technology Audit Planning According to the Technologies Life Cycles 12/2/2018 BPA 2083

9 What is Technology Planning?
Central component of corporate business planning. Different from strategizing. Strategizing should be creative and revolutionary, while planning is systematic and follows established methodologies. Systematic and follows established methodologies. Essential for successful strategy implementation and evaluation. 12/2/2018 BPA 2083

10 Process of Planning Examining all points of view in the organization.
Setting clear, realistic objectives. Charting a path or paths toward achieving those objectives. Obtaining commitment for execution. Executing and following up on the plan BPA 2083 12/2/2018

11 Technology Planning Framework
Forecast the technology Analyze and forecast the environment Analyze and forecast the market / user Analyze the organization Develop the mission Design organizational actions Put the plan into the operation BPA 2083 12/2/2018

12 Technology Planning Top-Bottom Planning
Technological/Social Forecasting Technology Assessment Alternative Scenarios Technological Strategy(ies) Desired Scenario(s) R&D Budget Allocations Long-Term Short-Term Bottom-Up Planning BPA 2083 12/2/2018

13 Forecasting Technology
Forecasting provides vision of future to guide action of the present in anticipation of future state. Those who forecast well can seize opportunities in timely manner and reap the reward of future change. Technology forecasting (TF) is based on following established methodologies to forecast the character and role of technological development. 12/2/2018 BPA 2083

14 A good forecast must have..
Credibility and utility An accurate information base Clearly described methods and models Clearly defined and supported assumptions Quantitative expression whenever possible A stated level of confidence in the forecasted information 12/2/2018 BPA 2083

15 Forecasting Method Monitoring Expert Opinion Trend Analysis Modeling
To maintain current awareness of an area and the information with which to forecast as needed Expert Opinion To forecast when identifiable expert in an area exist and where data are lacking and modeling is difficult or impossible Trend Analysis To project quantifiable parameters and to analyze adoption and substitution of technologies Modeling To reduce complex systems to manageable representations Scenarios To integrate quantitative and qualitative information when both a critical BPA 2083 12/2/2018

16 National Critical Technologies
U.S Federal Government Established with identifying technologies that promise to have a major long-term impact on the nation’s security and prosperity. The U.S. National Critical Technologies panel has identified 22 technologies considered essential for the United States. The decisions based on nation’s vulnerability in a specific technology and the pervasiveness of the technology. Generic technology applied to a wide variety of products across many industries requires R&D to result in commercial applications. Support will provide a strategic advantage not only for military battlefields but also battlefields of international marketplace BPA 2083 12/2/2018

17 Critical Technologies at the Firm Level
Technological gatekeepers, forecasters, R&D managers develop a map of technologies of potential that relevant to their company. Concepts of technology push and market pull used to map the areas and direction of rapid technological change. 6 categories technology map: Components Devices Processes Systems Materials and resource Services BPA 2083 12/2/2018

18 Cont.. Technology map enable planners to identify and focus on technologies that have the highest potential impact on their business. Figure 9-8 (pg Tarek Khalil) can help forecaster and planners identify, monitor and track technologies influencing their own products or services. 12/2/2018 BPA 2083

19 Technology Audit Is a tool used to evaluate the conditions or the existing status of a certain sector in a organization. Accountant use to evaluate the financial status of companies. A technology audit is an analysis performed to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the technological assets of an organization. BPA 2083 12/2/2018

20 The American Accounting Association
Defines it as: “ a systematic process of objectively obtaining and evaluating evidence regarding assertions about economic actions and events to ascertain the degree of correspondences between those assertions and established criteria, and communicating results to interested users” BPA 2083 12/2/2018

21 Cont.. Applies to technologies of the entire value- added functions i.e. product technology, production technology, service technology and marketing technology. Objective: to develop a base upon which technology strategy and associated plans can be formulated. Technology audit is a continuous process of assessment. BPA 2083 12/2/2018

22 Ford (1988) says, technology audit should answer these question…
What are the technologies and know-how on which the business depends? How does the company’s technology positions compare to its competitor? What is the life-cycle position on which the company depends? Where is the company’s strength? And so on (refer to page Tarek Khalil’s book BPA 2083 12/2/2018

23 Planning According to the Technology Life Cycle
Technology embryonic but has not yet demonstrated potential for changing the basis of competition in the future, it is considered an emerging technology. Technology further along the curve of progress and has demonstrated its potential for changing the basis of competition, it is deemed a pacing technology. Technologies mature, they become known as base technologies. BPA 2083 12/2/2018

24 Thank You BPA 2083 12/2/2018


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