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Jamari Robinson November 13, 2012 College English Honors 2

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1 Jamari Robinson November 13, 2012 College English Honors 2
Never Again Project Jamari Robinson November 13, 2012 College English Honors 2

2 Lose desire to live Elie Wiesel lost the dire to live while at the camp. He went through so much during that time that made him feel like dying. He was deprived of his will to live. The things that Elie went through impacted him in a major way. He witnessed deaths, cruelty, injustice, and more terrible things at the concentration camp. “ Never shall I forget that nocturnal silence which deprived me, for all eternity, of the desire to live.” - (Wiesel 32)

3 Lose Faith Elie Wiesel was a very religious person before the Holocaust. Life during the Holocaust took his faith away from him. Elie begins to loose faith because he does not believe a God would do this to him. He question why are things the way they are if there is a God. “ For the first time, I felt revolt rise up in me. Why should I bless His name? The eternal Lard of the Universe, the All – Powerful and Terrible, was silent. What has I thank Him for?” – (Wiesel 31)

4 Be Oppressed Oppression was seemed to just be ordinary for Jews at the time. This is terrible, but it is true. Elie Wiesel has been a victim of cruel use of power. “hell must look like this. So many crazed men, so many cries, so much bestial brutality.” – (Wiesel 32) In this quote he refers to the cruel guards and how they killed the Jews in terrible ways.

5 Quit This is a personal wish of mine. Quitting does not help you at all. If you quit then you end up in the place you started with no forward progress. You can decide to stay stationary or propel into a positive direction. I have quitted plenty of times, enough to know that it is impossible to succeed while quitting. I would change this by first realizing my stance on something after I would quit. This would help me know what situation I’m going to be in.

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