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Wordly Wise 6 Lesson 15.

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Presentation on theme: "Wordly Wise 6 Lesson 15."— Presentation transcript:

1 Wordly Wise 6 Lesson 15

2 analyze

3 Verb to break down into separate parts in order to study

4 apprehensive

5 Adjective worried or uneasy about what might happen

6 coincide

7 Art and PE coincide; they
happen at the same time. Art 10:15 PE 10:15 Verb 1. to be in the same place or occur at the same time 2. to be exactly the same; to agree

8 compose

9 verb 1. to make by combining 2
verb 1. to make by combining 2. to create or write, as a poem or a song 3. to quiet or calm

10 disk

11 Noun Any thin, circular object

12 envelop

13 Verb to hide or cover on all sides

14 exist

15 verb 1. to be real 2. to be found; to occur 3. to stay alive

16 extraordinary

17 Adjective very unusual; remarkable

18 fuse

19 Verb to join together by or as if by melting

20 mere

21 rc Adjective Nothing more than; only

22 revolve

23 Verb To go around something in a circle; to turn around in a circle

24 scale

25 Noun Any of the hard, thin plates that cover fish and certain reptiles A series of musical notes that go higher and higher or lower and lower 3. an instrument of measuring weight 4. The way size on a map or model compares with the size of the thing it stands for 5. a series of steps, degrees, or stages Verb To climb or climb over

26 solar

27 Adjective Of or having to do with the sun

28 trace

29 Noun A very small amount A mark or sign left behind by someone or something Verb To follow the trail or tracks of; to locate To copy by following the lines of a drawing through thin paper

30 velocity

31 Noun Rate of movement; speed

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