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Science Safety: Planning Field Trips and Field Experiences

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Presentation on theme: "Science Safety: Planning Field Trips and Field Experiences"— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Safety: Planning Field Trips and Field Experiences

2 Key Question What safety issues do I need to consider when planning and conducting field trips and field experiences?

3 Purpose Field trips and experiences are necessary for effective learning Outdoor and out of school investigations can strengthen academic learning and reinforce personal responsibility

4 Planning Be sure you understand school and district guidelines for field trips Overnight trips require School Board Approval See the Superintendent’s Page for the appropriate form Choose field experiences that connect to content standards Teach connected content before and after the experience

5 Planning Visit and survey field trip sites prior to taking children
Ensure parents are fully informed regarding the trip, planned experiences, appropriate dress, timelines, etc. Collect and take lists of student medical issues and/or needs

6 Planning Prepare a permission form and ensure all students return the form Process and file all signed forms Be sure to include contact information for the day of the trip Arrange for school/district sanctioned transportation and drivers

7 Planning Plan for chaperones and additional adult supervision
Be sure to consult with building administration regarding appropriate ratios of adult to students Be sure to take a cell phone and first aid kit

8 Planning Communicate any potential hazards and how they will be avoided with students Check weather prior to the day of travel and inform students to ensure proper attire

9 Day of Travel Ensure students have lunches if required
Ensure student are appropriately dressed Review expectations of behavior for travel and at the experience site Reinforce the learning targets/goals

10 Day of Travel Group students in teams/buddies
Maintain supervision of students at all times

11 Sign School Safety Roster
Be sure to understand each of the previous items Sign the Roster attesting your understanding

12 Reflection Questions How do the topics in this presentation impact your classroom? What is one best practice that relates to this topic that you would share with colleagues or our staff?

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