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Review of VCE History What is the context for the review?

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1 Review of VCE History What is the context for the review?
What subjects are proposed? What are the implications for teachers? What is HTAV’s involvement and how can we help you? Ingrid Purnell Manager, Publishing and Australian Curriculum Projects, HTAV

2 What is the context of the review?
F–10 Australian Curriculum (2007–12) Senior Australian Curriculum (2009–12) ACARA’s Ancient & Modern History Consultation AC ‘common base’ for states and territories Notes As you will be aware, all states and territories are currently implementing Australian Curriculum (to different timetables) for F–10 in English, Maths, Science and History. These are the Phase 1 subjects. Further subjects are being phased in over time. In regard to Senior studies, in our case VCE subjects, these undergo periodic reviews. For English, Maths, Science and History, the review cycle in Victoria was delayed by ACARA proposing Senior AC courses which the states and territories agreed to consider. In History, the two national courses proposed were Ancient History and Modern History. Victorian stakeholders, mainly teachers, expressed the desire to retain dedicated Australian History in VCE and to retain the depth and coherence of existing subjects such as Revolutions. While there was support for aspects of ACARA’s Ancient History course, Modern History was felt to be too rushed, too content-heavy, and too fragmented. Victorian teachers feel strongly that they want to explore themes in depth in Units 3 and 4. Revolutions teachers in particular felt that it would be frustrating for students to study two revolutions hurriedly in one semester, and pointed to the popularity of the course which examines one revolution per semester. This feedback was given to ACARA via HTAV, VCAA and others. A year ago, the state and territory Ministers agreed that ACARA’s Senior courses would be used as a ‘common base for development of state and territory senior secondary courses’. Victoria maintained that it would assess the extent to which aspects of the new courses would improve the existing offerings. A History Expert Reference Group was convened to recommend new and/or revised courses of study, in light of the new Australian Curriculum.

3 What subjects are proposed?
Notes Decisions about the curriculum were based on enrolment data, and feedback on the Australian Curriculum material on: 20th century at Units 1 & 2 Australian history at Year 12 The new opportunity presented by Ancient history The opportunities for sequence and coherence provided by Early Modern and 20th century. These proposals were largely accepted by teachers during consultation, so Review Panels are in the process of developing new and revised units.

4 What are the implications for teachers?
Current VCE units will be taught until the end of 2015 During 2014, teachers will have an opportunity to give feedback on the draft units 2015 will be a familiarisation year for teachers re. the new units Students will be assessed on new units from 2016 More students are now studying History up to the end of Year 10 – this may lead to higher VCE enrolments

5 What is HTAV’s involvement and how can we help you?
Members of the HTAV community have been key participants in curriculum reviews (F–10 and Senior). They are part of the current Review Panels and will be actively seeking teacher feedback on drafts next year. All sectors are represented on Review Panels. In the past year we have also set up more curriculum support: Dedicated curriculum person Available over phone and for visits Letters to principals supporting History allocations Curriculum section of new website Frequent updates in member s and Bulletins Special Australian Curriculum events Curriculum-targeted publications (inc. revised VCE textbooks coming soon).

6 What can you do? Come to VCE Unit 3 conference in February (examiner reports) Keep an eye on member s, the HTAV website and the Curriculum Update in our Bulletins Give your feedback on new drafts, inc. what your students enjoy and struggle with Sign up to alerts: VCAA ACARA Contact me on or at MOST IMPORTANT: Support History in your school (at all levels)! Schools with good VCE results are those that lay the foundations several years beforehand.

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