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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life
1. Based universal genetic code (DNA) 2. Interact with environment (adaptation) 3. Ability to reproduce 4. Use materials and energy 5. Made up of cells 6. Change as a group over long periods of time (evolution). (Micro and Macro evolution) 7. Maintain homeostasis (a stable internal state) 8. Grow (change in size but not structures) & Develop (change in structures over a lifetime) 9. Living things are organized (cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, etc.)

2 Living Things Observe the following clips of living organisms. What characteristics are they displaying?

3 Fruit Fly

4 Response to Environment
Organisms live in changing environments. Their environment might become colder or warmer, have more or less water or sunlight available, or might have an obnoxious person poking them. Living organisms respond to changing conditions in their environment.

5 Follow the Code

6 Living Things are Based on a Universal Genetic Code
Offspring resemble their parents because they inherit the traits transferred by a genetic code called DNA. DNA carries the directions for inheritance.

7 Impatiens

8 Living Things Grow and Devlop
All living things grow as part of their life cycle. Many living things also develop as part of their life cycles. For example, caterpillars become butterflies; the cells in the butterfly not only grew, but differentiated, resulting in a totally different looking organism with different capabilities.


10 Need for Materials and Energy
Living organisms need raw materials and energy to grow. Some organisms, such as plants, get their energy from the sun, then use that along with raw products from the earth such as minerals and water to make food. Other organisms, such as animals, get water and minerals from the earth, but need to eat plants or hunt other animals for food.


12 Living Things are Made up of Cells
A cell is a collection of living matter enclosed by a barrier that separates a cell from its surroundings. Cells are the smallest unit of an organism that can be considered alive. They are complex and highly organized. Cells can grow, respond to their environment and reproduce.


14 Living Things Reproduce
All organisms produce other organisms through reproduction. Reproduction can occur between 2 parents; this type of reproduction where each parent contributes genetic information is called sexual reproduction. Reproduction can occur with only one parent; this type of reproduction is called asexual reproduction.


16 Living Things Maintain Homeostasis
Homeostasis is the ability of living things to maintain internal balance. For example, if a dog gets too hot, it begins to pant to help regulate its internal body temperature. Most dogs have sweat glands in their feet, which does little to regulate heat. By panting, dogs cool their mouth and tongue, as well as cooling the blood in their head which maintains homeostasis.


18 Living Things Change Over Time
The fossil records provides us with evidence that over long periods of time, as a group, living things can change, or evolve.

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