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Teaching Your Choir to Think Chorally

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Your Choir to Think Chorally"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Your Choir to Think Chorally
Session explores what it means to “think chorally”, moving from narrow focus, to broad understanding of singer’s contribution to performance

2 Balance and Blend and the Singers Place
Responsibility for Balance? Responsibility for Blend?

3 Exploring What the Singer is Thinking
Pitch and rhythm Once confident with pitch and rhythm, then what……?

4 Singers place related to vibrato
Speed of vibrato (no problem) Width of vibrato (problem) For conductor, vibrato is a matter of taste and tonal desire For singer, vibrato is a major responsibility

5 Singers place related to volume and timbre of voice
Determined by voice categorization-assign a role to the singer Assign useful labels to the voice for placement and color-assign a color

6 Singers place related to line placement
Singer needs to know the line Singer needs to sing the line Singer needs to show the line

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