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Character Education August 27, 2014

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1 Character Education August 27, 2014
Respect Character Education August 27, 2014

2 Define Respect What does respect mean to you?
The meaning of respect is influenced by our experiences, such as in our families and community. Respect has been called “the biggest little word I know.” That is because respect means so many different things - depending upon your experiences, where you are, family values, community values, and who you are with.

3 The golden rule Treat others the way you want to be treated.
What does this mean to you? When you follow the golden rule you are being respectful and considerate of others and yourself.

4 How do you show respect At School At Home In Our Community
Are there any differences in the way you show respect because of where you are?

5 How to be respectful Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Be courteous and polite Listen to others. Don’t insult people, or make fun of them, or call them names. Don’t bully or pick on others. Follow rules, policies, and the laws.

6 brainstorm What are some ways we can make our school environment more respectful? Pick one of our ideas and try it for a week. See if you feel more respect here at T.H. bell.

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