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MS 204 Principle Components Analysis By Shannon Bros-Seemann.

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Presentation on theme: "MS 204 Principle Components Analysis By Shannon Bros-Seemann."— Presentation transcript:

1 MS 204 Principle Components Analysis By Shannon Bros-Seemann

2 PCA - Purpose Descriptive Results from PCA used in another analysis

3 Describe habitat characteristics of sites with mosquitoes.
Example: Describe habitat characteristics of sites with mosquitoes.

4 PCA - Purpose

5 PCA Try to identify habitat characteristics for four species of mosquito

6 PCA Sp. A Sp. B Sp. C Sp. D

7 PCA Example Quantify Limpet Shell Shape Height Width Length
Limpet image from

8 PCA Limpet image from

9 PCA Determine shell shape associated with highest mortality from crab predation.

10 PCA Survived Eaten Crab image from

11 How does it work?

12 Locate the axis that describes the greatest variation
Then locate the axis of variation that is at right angles to the first Locate the axis that describes the greatest variation

13 Rotate the graph so that the axes of variation are the new axes

14 Factor 2 Factor 1

15 Factor 1 Factor 2 Factor 1 Factor 2 -2 -1 1 2 -3 3

16 There are as many factors as there are variables. WHY??

17 All of the possible factors explain all of the variance in the data.

18 Therefore, it is possible to express the relative contribution for each factor as:
Percentage of variance explained

19 In this example: Factor Percentage of variance explained 1 73.24% 2
26.76% TOTAL 100.00%

20 The formula for determining the position on the Factor 1 axis is called the First Principle Component Factor 1 Factor 2 -2 -1 1 2 -3 3

21 Standardized values (Z scores)

22 9 8 7 6 Height (mm) 5 4 3 2 1 10 20 30 Width (mm)


24 9 8 7 6 Height (mm) 5 1.241 4 3 2 1 10 20 30 Width (mm)


26 9 8 7 6 Height (mm) 1.238 5 1.241 4 3 2 1 10 20 30 Width (mm)


28 How do you interpret the factors?

29 Correlate R=0.856

30 Loading Width

31 Correlate R=0.856

32 Loading Width Height

33 Correlate Width and Height with Factor 2

34 Height Width Loading Width Height 0.30-0.49 0.50-0.69 0.70-0.89
Width Height

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