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Published byClaud Singleton Modified over 6 years ago
Brîff 7 Munud – Diogelu mewn Chwaraeon Safeguarding in Sport 7 Minute Briefing
1. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae nifer o rieni yn cefnogi eu plant i fynychu gweithgareddau amrywiol. Fe allai hyn gynnwys grwpiau chwaraeon megis pêl- droed neu fynychu grŵp i ddysgu sgil newydd. I lawer o blant, mae hyn yn brofiad da a gwerthfawr gan gynorthwyo datblygiad y plentyn a mwynhad. Mae’n bwysig y bydd rhieni/gofalwyr yn hyderus y bydd eu plentyn yn ddiogel ac yn hapus. Many parents support their children in attending various activities. This may include sports groups such as football or in attending a group to learn a new skill. For many children, this is a good and valuable experience assisting the child’s development and enjoyment. It is important that parents / carers are confident that their child will be safe and happy.
2. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Mae Uned Amddiffyn Plant mewn Chwaraeon Cymru yr NSPCC wedi nodi’r heriau canlynol o ran diogelu mewn clybiau chwaraeon ledled Cymru: Cysylltiadau cyfyngedig gydag asiantaethau statudol Darparwyr chwaraeon sydd heb eu rheoleiddio/heb gysylltiad/preifat - crefft ymladd - rhaglenni dysgu i nofio - unigolion sy'n sefydlu eu cwmnïau eu hunain - dawns NSPCC Child Protection in Sport Unit Wales have identified the following challenges around safeguarding in sport clubs across Wales : Limited Links with statutory agencies Unregulated/unaffiliated/private sport providers - Martial arts - learn to swim programmes - ‘one man band’ set ups - Dance
3. BETH YDYW? WHAT IS IT? Os bydd plentyn/person ifanc awydd mynychu gweithgaredd grŵp i ddysgu camp newydd, mae’n bwysig bod rhieni/gofalwyr yn cael eu hannog i ymweld a dysgu sut mae’r grŵp/clwb yn gweithredu. Dylai pob hyfforddwr, boed nhw’n rhai cyflogedig neu’n wirfoddol, ymddwyn yn broffesiynol. If a child/ young person is interested in attending a group activity to learn a new sport, it is important that parents/ carers are encourage to visit and find out how the group/ club operates. Paid or volunteer, all coaches and instructors should act professionally.
Efallai yr hoffai rhieni/gofalwyr ofyn y cwestiynau canlynol i arweinydd y grŵp A oes gan y clwb neu diwtor bolisi ar ddiogelu plant? Ydi’r staff wedi cael eu hyfforddi ac a ydi gwiriadau’r heddlu yn cael eu cynnal? A oes yna god ymddygiad ar gyfer hyfforddwyr a gwirfoddolwyr? Beth ydi’r polisi os bydd plentyn angen gofal personol? Parents/ Carers might want to ask the group leader the following questions Does the club or tutor have a policy on safeguarding children? Are staff trained and do they have police checks? Is there a written code of conduct for coaches and volunteers? What’s the policy if a child needs personal care?
Dylai unrhyw gyswllt y tu allan i'r gweithgareddau fod gyda'r rhieni/gofalwyr yn uniongyrchol. Dylech sicrhau bod y plentyn yn ymwybodol o unrhyw drefniadau sydd wedi cael eu cytuno Siaradwch gyda’r plentyn yn rheolaidd i sicrhau eu bod yn hapus gyda’r trefniant Any contact outside of activities should be directly with the parents/ carers Ensure that the child is aware of any arrangements that have been agreed Speak with the child regularly to ensure they are happy with the arrangement
Mae’n bwysig eich bod yn gwrando ar y plentyn os byddant yn dweud bod rhywbeth amhriodol wedi digwydd. Os ydych chi’n pryderu nad yw hyfforddwr wedi dilyn arfer da, hy, heb ymddwyn yn gywir, dylai’r rheini/gofalwyr dynnu’r plentyn allan o’r gweithgaredd nes eu bod wedi cael cyfle i ofyn am gymorth It is important that you listen to the child, if the child tells you something inappropriate has happened. If you are concerned about a coach that has engaged in poor practice i.e. has not done the right thing, the parents/ carers should remove the child from the activities until there has been time to seek advice
7. GWEITHREDU ACTION Os oes gan riant/gofalwr bryderon bod unigolyn sy'n gweithio gyda’r plant wedi: Ymddwyn mewn modd sydd wedi/ neu a allai niweidio plentyn Wedi cyflawni trosedd Wedi ymddwyn mewn modd sydd yn dangos y gallant achosi perygl i’r plant/plentyn Dylai rhieni/gofalwyr/y cyhoedd gysylltu â Gwasanaeth Amddiffyn Plant yr Awdurdod Lleol neu gysylltu â’r Heddlu. If a parent/carer has concerns where a person working with children has: Behaved in a way that has / or may harm a child Committed a criminal offence Behaved in a way that indicates they may pose a risk to the child/ren Parents/ Carers/ General Public should contact the Local Authority Child Protection Service or contact the Police
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