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DOE Biomass Program Integrated Biorefinery

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1 DOE Biomass Program Integrated Biorefinery
POET Project LIBERTY March 19, 2009 DOE Biomass Program Integrated Biorefinery Platform Peer Review Open Session James Sturdevant POET, LLC Presenters should spend less time on boilerplate project information and focus their presentations such that the key nuggets of progress and accomplishments are presented. This will assist reviewers in evaluating the value of the work. Reviewers should be encouraged to use the “additional slides” at the back end of the presentation to demonstrate work being done and how the dollars are being used. Use the “additional” slides to provide information on progress. Presentation guidance should direct presenters to spend the majority of their time on progress and accomplishments. The reviewer form will be distributed to the PIs along with the presentation template. It should come with a letter from the chair and co-chair. Susan will discuss this option with Ken and Neil. Need to consider what letterhead would be used. This presentation does not contain any proprietary, confidential, or otherwise restricted information

2 Overview Timeline Budget Barriers Addressed Partners
Award 1, Cooperative Agreement Start date – 10/01/07 End date – 3/31/10 Award 2, TIA Start date – 10/01/08 End date – 9/30/14 Award 1, Cooperative Agreement $9.6M Tot. Award Budget Award 2, TIA $193.8M Tot. Est. Cost Total DOE Cost Share: 40% up to $80M The purpose of this slide is to provide some context for evaluating your project and especially your accomplishments. The information in the left column describes the magnitude and timing of the investment in your project. The information in the right column describes the players and the issues that are to be overcome. For projects that include multiple partners, please discuss the roles of each and how the overall project is being managed. Include stage from stage gate guide. Barriers Addressed Partners End-to-end process integration Commercial-scale demonstration facilities Risk of pioneer technologies NREL Novozymes Numerous equipment companies and others

3 Project Goals and Objectives
A commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol biorefinery. Objectives: Integrate cellulosic ethanol technologies with existing corn-based, dry mill ethanol technologies Implement a sustainable biomass feedstock collection, storage, and delivery system Maximize alternative energy production and minimize traditional energy usage Enable replication at other existing or new biorefineries Purpose: The objectives should describe what you are trying to do, both over the life of the project and since the last review. Relevance to the Biomass Program includes contribution to achievement of specific targets and milestones as outlined in the MYPP and identified relevance to pathway(s). Also include relevance to the industry and market place.

4 POET Biorefining – Emmetsburg Emmetsburg, Iowa
Purpose: The objectives should describe what you are trying to do, both over the life of the project and since the last review. Relevance to the Biomass Program includes contribution to achievement of specific targets and milestones as outlined in the MYPP and identified relevance to pathway(s). Also include relevance to the industry and market place.

5 Project Goals and Objectives
Project LIBERTY supports the strategic goal of the DOE Integrated Biorefineries Platform: To demonstrate and validate integrated technologies to achieve commercially acceptable performance and cost pro forma targets (DOE OBP MYPP, p. 3-68) Project LIBERTY addresses demonstration and deployment of the DOE Integrated Biorefineries Agricultural Residue Processing Pathway (DOE OBP MYPP, p. 3-71) Purpose: The objectives should describe what you are trying to do, both over the life of the project and since the last review. Relevance to the Biomass Program includes contribution to achievement of specific targets and milestones as outlined in the MYPP and identified relevance to pathway(s). Also include relevance to the industry and market place.

6 Two Agreements Cooperative Agreement Technology Investment Agreement
Preparation for construction Risk Mitigation, environmental engineering, feedstock, preliminary engineering Technology Investment Agreement Construction and operational reporting A plant capable of processing a minimum of 700 dry metric tonnes per day of lignocellulose to produce ethanol product Make a commercially-reasonable decision whether LIBERTY will replicate Purpose: The objectives should describe what you are trying to do, both over the life of the project and since the last review. Relevance to the Biomass Program includes contribution to achievement of specific targets and milestones as outlined in the MYPP and identified relevance to pathway(s). Also include relevance to the industry and market place.

7 Technical Progress Environmental Engineering
Key Milestone: A Positive NEPA Determination Completed documents: Baseline Report Proposed Action Report Scoping Letter Environmental Assessment Mitigation Action Plan Describe the technical barriers which they help to overcome Relate accomplishments to OBP MYPP goals and objectives Summarize Key Milestones and Status Include sufficient slides to explain what tasks were executed leading to the technical accomplishments Include data and results Technical Accomplishments As this is a major part of the presentation, multiple slides will be required Purpose: Describe the most important technical accomplishments and results obtained since the last review. Whenever possible, describe the significance of the accomplishments by relating the results to the appropriate DOE targets and milestones from the MYPP. Lowering cost a is an important target.

8 Technical Progress (Cont’d)
Preliminary Engineering To be based on results from pilot plant, POET Research Center, Scotland, SD Operations began 11/08 Lab-scale process works at pilot scale Making cellulosic ethanol Material handling is complex Focus is on reducing costs

9 Technical Progress Feedstock – Corn Cobs and Corn Fiber Requirements
700 bone dry metric tonnes per day Cobs from 400, ,000 acres annually % of corn acres within 35-mile radius of Emmetsburg Corn Cob Approach With original equipment manufacturers, determine methods and equipment for cob supply chain Inform local producers Evaluate agronomic impacts of corn cob harvesting Describe the technical barriers which they help to overcome Relate accomplishments to OBP MYPP goals and objectives Summarize Key Milestones and Status Include sufficient slides to explain what tasks were executed leading to the technical accomplishments Include data and results Technical Accomplishments As this is a major part of the presentation, multiple slides will be required Purpose: Describe the most important technical accomplishments and results obtained since the last review. Whenever possible, describe the significance of the accomplishments by relating the results to the appropriate DOE targets and milestones from the MYPP. Lowering cost a is an important target.

10 Cob Supply Chain P O E T / I S U Farmer / OEM / POET Responsibility
Agronomics Collection In-Field Transport, Storage & Logistics P O E T R e s p o n s i b i l i t y Pile Pick-Up & Transportation At-Plant Receiving & Storage Communication & Marketing

11 Collaborating Agriculture Equipment Manufacturers

12 2007 and 2008 Cob Harvests A total of nearly 13,000 acres
Iowa, South Dakota, and Texas 13 equipment manufacturers Three cob harvest methods Excellent farmer feedback Economic data

13 Inform Local Producers
LIBERTY Field Day November 6, 2008 LIBERTY Blastoff Meeting, March 13, 2008


15 Success Factors Profitability Sustainable Feedstock Supply
3. Financing Technical Market Business Needed for commercial viability

16 Challenges Technical Sustainable Feedstock Supply Financing Timeline
We are learning much from pilot plant Sustainable Feedstock Supply USDA BCAP and other incentives are required Financing Federal Loan Guarantee is required Timeline Explain the top 2-3 potential challenges (technical and non-technical) to be overcome for achieving successful project results Describe the window of opportunity to develop this technology within: your company; the biorefinery industry; and the market

17 Future Work State Air & Water Permitting
Prepare commercial-scale enzymes (Novozymes) Preliminary Engineering Final Engineering Financing Package Purpose: Describe what will be done in the remainder of this year and in the coming year.

18 Future Work (Cont’d) Feedstock: Work to accelerate:
Equipment company “prototype-to-production” process Farmer adoption Conduct a pre-commercial cob harvest in 2009 Continue agronomics studies Purpose: Describe what will be done in the remainder of this year and in the coming year. Explain what it is you plan to do through the end of the project with emphasis on the next 14 months (through September 30, 2010) Highlight upcoming key milestones Address how you will deal with any decision points during that time and any remaining issues Corn cobs represent over 5 billion gallons of ethanol

19 Annual Operations Reports
Timeline Award 1 & 2 Overlap Award 2 Construction Award 2 Operations Award 1 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 CA signed NEPA FONSI TIA signed Construction begins Operation begins Annual Operations Reports DOE selects LIBERTY

20 Summary Status: We are preparing for construction
DOE contracts in place, NEPA hurdle cleared, feedstock work underway, pilot plant operating, preliminary engineering beginning Approach: We are confident in the LIBERTY model Integrate the technology with an existing biorefinery, use a corn crop residue as feedstock, use an established network of grain suppliers Relevance: There will be tremendous payoffs With predicted increases in corn yields and over one billion tons of cellulosic biomass in the U.S.,* the possibilities for ethanol are staggering. If our nation has the resolve, we could almost eliminate our need for fossil fuels for automotive transportation and replace it with a homegrown, environmentally friendly, renewable fuel. Summarize the key points you wish the audience and reviewers to take away from your presentation in the categories of: Relevance Approach Technical accomplishments Success factors and challenges Technology transfer and future work For projects presented at the 2007 Program Review, please provide a status of your current progress in reaching specific technical targets versus the status shown in 2007 * USDA/DOE

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