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DoIT FY09 IT Budget Review

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1 DoIT FY09 IT Budget Review
New Mexico Department of PUBLIC SAFETY Records Management System Project Change Request and Certification September 26, 2018 Presenters: Laura Gonzales, Project Manager Mel Lee, Chief Information Officer State Library / Yucca Room # October 23, 2007

2 Records Management System
DPS currently uses several separate systems to manage records across the organization. Through this project, DPS plans to implement an Integrated Records Management System (RMS) to address three critical issues: access, preservation, and control. An integrated RMS that handles organization information at the enterprise level will improve timeliness, accuracy, completeness, cost-effectiveness, accessibility and usability of records.

3 RMS Funding History

4 RMS Funding History CAD/RMS was originally a single project which was broken into two separate projects when determined by NM DPS that focusing on the CAD implementation individually would be more successful due to the complexity of the project. The FY2014 appropriation was a Total Appropriation of $ 2,850,000 of which $ 2,757,085 was used to implement CAD.  An additional $ 92,915 was certified by PCC in April 2018 to be used for RMS. After all CAD bills were paid, the remaining fund balance of $ 135,467 remained.

5 Change Request and Certification
As the funding was originally certified for CAD and RMS, a balance of $ 73,425, reflected here and spent before the funds expired in FY 2018, was used for RMS. The remaining funds reverted to the General Fund. DPS is requesting certification of an additional $ 73,425 of allocated funds to the project.

6 RMS Certification History

7 Certification Change Request
Use of Funds Certification Change Request The total certification totaled $ 882,293 funds certified through the Planning phase. We are requesting an additional $ 73,425 to be certified for the planning phase. No additional plans exist for the use of these funds during the planning phase. Instead the $ 73,425 will be moved forward into the implementation phase.

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