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Gil-Salmerón, A.; Valía-Cotanda, E.; Garcés-Ferrer, J.; Karnaki, P.; 

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Presentation on theme: "Gil-Salmerón, A.; Valía-Cotanda, E.; Garcés-Ferrer, J.; Karnaki, P.; "— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigrants and refugees’ principal characteristics across Europe: a literature review
Gil-Salmerón, A.; Valía-Cotanda, E.; Garcés-Ferrer, J.; Karnaki, P.;  Zota, D.; Linos, A.; Lebano, A.; Bradby, H.; Hamed, S. 1st WORLD CONGRESS ON MIGRATION, ETHNICITY, RACE AND HEALTH: Diversity and Health (17-19 May 2018, Edinburgh)


3 1. INTRODUCTION MIGHEALTHCARE PROJECT Mig-HealthCare Project (Ref.: ) is a three year project that was launched in May 2017, with the financial support of the European Commission. The project is implemented by a consortium of Universities, national authorities and NGOs from ten countries across Europe, with diverse experience on issues of public health and integration of refugees and migrants. Partners from: Greece Cyprus Sweden Malta Italy Bulgaria France Germany Spain Austria

4 1. INTRODUCTION MIGHEALTHCARE PROJECT The overall objective of Mig-HealthCare is to improve health care access for vulnerable migrants and refugees, support their inclusion and participation in European communities and reduce health inequalities. Mig-HealthCare will produce effective community-based care models, pilot tested in different contexts and countries, which will focus on health promotion and prevention. It will develop guidelines and tools to reorient health care services to a community level.

5 2. METHODOLOGY Results Non-systematic review
Grey Literature Academic Literature Each country language Literature written in English

6 3. MAIN RESULTS Gender inequities in the health access, identifying immigrant and refugee minors and women as vulnerable groups Main health problems detected: mental health-related, chronic diseases and transmissible issues Actual research is focused on specific health problems as well the health status of some migrant groups.

7 Migrants’ health status tend to be worse than the general population.
4. CONCLUSIONS Migrants’ health status tend to be worse than the general population. There was a lack of studies concerning migrants’ own voices concerning their health needs as well as the various barriers that may exist when accessing healthcare. Coordination between different agencies in the healthcare sector was insufficient. There is a need therefore for research that highlights these urgent issues.

8 Twitter: @MIGHEALTHCARE @Polibienestar
Thank you! @Polibienestar 1st WORLD CONGRESS ON MIGRATION, ETHNICITY, RACE AND HEALTH: Diversity and Health (17-19 May 2018, Edinburgh)

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