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Feature Engineering Studio

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1 Feature Engineering Studio
November 18, 2013

2 IDEO: Brainstorming What did you like about the IDEO brainstorming process? (You can refer back to your essays)

3 Tell some stories Please tell some stories about past successful/good brainstorming you engaged in Did it match the IDEO process?

4 IDEO: Brainstorming What did you dislike about the IDEO brainstorming process? (You can refer back to your essays)

5 Tell some stories Please tell some stories about past unsuccessful/bad brainstorming you engaged in Was it bad because it went against IDEO suggestions? Was it bad because it followed IDEO suggestions? Or was it bad for other reasons?

6 Discussing Assignment 9
Do you think the ideas in this book about how to brainstorm are good in general? What’s good in specific? What’s bad in specific?

7 Questions? Comments?

8 Assignment 10 Problem Shift “The Fresh Mind”

9 Assignment 10 Your goal is to take someone else’s data set from the class And improve their model any way you can Could be new features (preferred option!) Could be a different statistical/data mining framework

10 Assignment 10 Write a report that discusses your process
You don’t need to prepare a presentation But be ready to discuss your work in class

11 Assignment 10 You will be graded both on Your work on the new data set
Whether you obstructed someone from working on your data set You won’t be graded on whether they do a good job with your data But you will be graded down if they don’t get your data until Saturday night, or if you don’t give it to them in a usable form, or if you don’t explain what “RYAN7” means

12 Assignment 10 You will be graded both on Your work on the new data set
Whether you obstructed someone from working on your data set You won’t be graded on whether they do a good job with your data But you will be graded down if they don’t get your data until Saturday night, or if you don’t give it to them in a usable form, or if you don’t explain what “RYAN7” means (Isn’t it obvious? It’s the 7th variable that I made for Ryan’s class)

13 Data Sharing Snafu

14 Upcoming Classes 11/20 No special session today
11/25 Collaboration in feature engineering 11/27 No special session today 12/2 Sustained Iteration Part One

15 Upcoming Classes Would folks like a special session on anything? I’m open to discussing anything you’d find useful

16 Thank you!

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