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AP Psychology & Psychology

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1 AP Psychology & Psychology
Academic Vocabulary

2 Week #1 – Week of February 5 - Emphasize
Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Emphasize - verb [em-fuh-sahyz] to give emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress

3 Week #1- Week of February 5 - Emphasize
Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Emphasize - verb [em-fuh-sahyz]  to give emphasis to; lay stress upon; stress

4 Week #1 - Week of February 5 – Emphasis
Days 3-5: Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

5 Week #2 - Week of February 12 - Consistent
Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Consistent – adjective [kuh n-sis-tuh nt] constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc.

6 Week #2 - Week of February 12 - Consistent
Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Consistent – adjective [kuh n-sis-tuh nt] constantly adhering to the same principles, course, form, etc.

7 Week #2- Week of February 12 - Consistent
Days 3-5: Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

8 Week #3 - Week of February 26 - Essential
Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Essential – adjective [uh-sen-shuh l] Absolutely necessary; indispensable

9 Week #3 - February 26 – Essential
Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Essential – adjective [uh-sen-shuh l] Absolutely necessary; indispensable

10 Week #3 - Week of February 26 – Essential
Days 3-5: Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

11 Week #4 – Week of March 5 Concur
Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Concur – verb [kuh n-kur] to accord in opinion; agree; to cooperate; work together; to coincide

12 Week #4 – Week of March 5 Concur
Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Concur – verb [kuh n-kur] to accord in opinion; agree; to cooperate; work together; to coincide

13 Week #4 – Week of March 5 Concur
Days 3-5: Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

14 Week #5 - Indirectly Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Indirectly – adverb [in-duh-rekt, -dahy-] deviating from a direct line or course; not going straight to the point

15 Week #5 – Indirectly Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Indirectly – adverb [in-duh-rekt, -dahy-] deviating from a direct line or course; not going straight to the point

16 Week #5 – Indirectly Days 3-5:
Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

17 Week #6 - Aspire Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Aspire – verb [uh-spahyuh r] to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value

18 Week #6 – Aspire Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Aspire – verb [uh-spahyuh r] to long, aim, or seek ambitiously; be eagerly desirous, especially for something great or of high value

19 Week #6 – Aspire Days 3-5: Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

20 Week #7 – Plausible Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Plausible – adjective [plaw-zuh-buh l] having an appearance of truth or reason; seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance; credible; believable

21 Week #7 – Plausible Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Plausible – adjective [plaw-zuh-buh l] having an appearance of truth or reason;  seemingly worthy of approval or acceptance;  credible; believable

22 Week #7 – Plausible Days 3-5:
Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

23 Week #8 - Corroborate Day 1 : Write the following definition for the word. Corroborate – verb [kuh-rob-uh-reyt] to make more certain; confirm

24 Week #8 - Corroborate Day 2: Re-write definition in your own words. Do not include the words already in the definition. Corroborate – verb [kuh-rob-uh-reyt] to make more certain; confirm

25 Week #8 - Corroborate Days 3-5:
Choose one of the activities listed. Please observe the following guidelines: Identify which option you are choosing. Do not use the same option more than once in the week. Provide at least two synonyms or two antonyms. Explain your examples. If you are absent, you still need to complete each box.

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