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Presentation on theme: "SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 (1 of 3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 (1 of 3)
SLA will be automatic through SFAS for personnel receiving hostile fire/imminent danger pay for a continuous period of 120-days or greater The who will accrue over 60 days of leave and have served in an operational deployment for a continuous period of 120-days or greater, where leave was prohibited, must follow the guidance below Battalion S1s must submit the following documents to DFAS through the local finance office: 1.  4187 (signed by BN Commander or higher) 2.  Enclosure 1 - by name list 3.  Enclosure 2 - applicable Army Component Commander's designation of a leave restricted are and/or operation (this can be a theater leave policy) For more information, attached is the DCS-G1 Implementing Guidance for SLA (below).

2 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 (1 of 3)
THRU local finance office Processed at DFAS Document originates with CO/BN CDR Individual Name or Bulk Request Type 4187: Special Leave Accrual

3 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 (2 of 3)
Reason for submission, dates in qualifying zone SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 (2 of 3) Reason SMs qualify for SLA (Operational Deployment or Hospitalization) Current Authorities for SLA CDR certifies all above and attached information is accurate. CO CDR Recommends approval; BN CDR approves action

4 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 (3 of 3)
Second Page required if document originated with CO CDR If document originated with BN CDR, no second page approval is required BN CDR is approval authority for SLA action Note optional for finance processing

5 SPECIAL LEAVE ACCRUAL – 4187 Enclosure for Bulk Request
Location for Operational Deployment or Hospital Last, First, Middle required for finance office to action SLA SSN required for finance office to look up SM Verifying dates in country/hospitalized 120 Day requirement Type, verify qualifying data

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