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Perception AVDHARANA.

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1 Perception AVDHARANA





6 We learn…. We don’t ‘see’ the things as they are,
but as they appear to us Same ‘object’/situation may appear different from another perspective ! Conditionings influence the judgement

7 Limitations of the instruments of “seeing” !
Looking more penetratingly can reveal a different picture!

8 How would a Man appear to one with “X- ray” vision ?

9 How would a Man appear to one with ability to “see” atoms inside the body?

10 How would a Man appear to one with ability to “see” atoms inside & outside the body?
Interconnectedness - separate identity an illusion !

11 Bohr’s Principle of Complementarity
In any experiment with micro-particles the observer gets information not about the ‘properties of the particles’ themselves, but the properties associated with some particular situation, including…. the measuring instruments. … The information about the objects under different experimental conditions should be considered as complementary to each other…. like various sides of a single Reality. The thing in itself can never be known !

12 Perception is like a mirage !

13 What does it really imply ?
Different people can view the same situation differently based on their conditioning and the state of mind at that moment . Perception is changing … with experience , more information , …. When mind becomes calm by meditation, these truths become obvious. Understanding this reduces conflicts .

14 Examples One forms a perception of how a ‘wife’/ husband should be …. Based on observation of his parents. When (s)he gets married (s)he expects the spouse to behave similarly. If (s)he doesn’t , and (s)he believes his/her perception is ‘Right’, conflict is bound to arise.

15 Let us Examine How we form perception about people based on their :
Clothes Presence or absence of beard cap they wear Colour of skin food they eat Examine, when and how did this perception form? Is it ‘always’ Right !

16 There are no problems in Life……...only situations
Change of Perception ! There are no problems in Life……...only situations Respond unwisely : suffer Respond wisely : grow Por todo esto, propongo que de hoy en adelante; Crisis = Problem + Opportunity

17 Thank You !

18 Any ‘Correct’ Perception ?
Impermanence Non-beautiful Insubstantiality Interconnectedness Understanding this reduces conflict

19 Examine Examine, what is your perception of a ‘good’ friend ?
When did it get formed? Do you today have friends who do not ‘fit’ into this perception ? If yes, what other ‘characteristic’ was the cause of friendship.


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