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Presentation on theme: "SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE"— Presentation transcript:

1 LEARNING LINKS: What will be at explored, achieved, discussed and learned in our class this term?
SCIENCE AND ICT HUMANITIES (History, Geography, RE) PE AND PSHE Science – Evolution and Inheritance How are animals adapted to the environments they live in? What causes extinction? Who was Mary Anning? Why is she an important figure in British history? How can animals be sorted and classified? How do animals change over time according to how their environment changes? What are the advantages and disadvantages of adaptation? ICT – Media Can we use software to create advertisements? Can we use sound recording software? Can we use video editing software? PE: Badminton, Football Can we apply striking technique to badminton? Can we think tactically whilst playing shots? Can we play a competitive rally? Can we strike a football for accuracy and power? Can we think tactically and positionally on the football pitch? Can we work as a team? PSHE: Resilience In what ways can we show resilience in school? How do you ‘show’ resilience? How can we improve resilience? Can you use a map to find a location? Can you identify and use a maps key effectively? How and why does climate differ? How does landscape affect climate? How might the Earth’s landscape and climate change in the future? How do maps show different aspects of the Earth (physical features/ climate/ population)? Who was Charles Darwin? Why is he important? Can you use fieldwork to observe, measure, record and present the human and physical features in the local area?. RE- Can Look at maps and atlases. Can you name the continents of the world? Can you identify different oceans and seas? How do you think the different climates vary around the world? Select a world habitat and find out about a creature that lives there. Label the features that show how the creature is adapted to its environment. Choose a world habitat (or invent your own) and invent a creature that is adapted to where it lives. Make an animation explaining the water cycle. Get out! Get busy! Take a walk in the woods or a trip to somewhere unknown. Can you follow a map to go on a walk? What aspects of the maps key can you use to guide you or help you choose somewhere that might be interesting? YEAR 6 THEME TERM 4/5: Wild World CLASS BOOK: The Edge Chronicles: Beyond the Deepwoods by Paul Stewart and Chris Riddell LITERACY MATHS What is a fantasy story? How is it written? Can you create a new monstrous creature? What are the features of a biography? Can we write a biography for someone we admire? What information do you need to write a report about one of the world’s climatic zones? What is the environment like? Which creatures live there and why? Can we use adventurous vocabulary, precise punctuation and perfect paragraphs to develop our writing? How could we use a datalogger to record temperature information? What do the result show about how the temperature changes throughout the day? How does rainfall and temperature data change during the year? Can you analyse line graphs and use the information to make predictions and spot patterns? Can we apply our calculation skills to find solutions to investigations? What measurement would you select to describe sizes of landmarks? Can you use scales on maps to describe distances? Draw landmarks to scale. Can we investigate the area of ratio and proprotion? CREATIVE DEVELOPMENT (Art, Music, Design technology) DT: How can we bring a fantasy creature to life? French: Can we remember what we have learned so far? Can we follow and give commands? Can we ask and respond to questions? Art: What techniques does Chris Riddell use in his illustrations? How can we recreate his style? Music: Can we evaluate music from different parts of the world? What does it tell us about their culture? Read a fantasy story. Try books by Chris Riddell, Paul Stewart or Terry Pratchett. Describe the characters. Write a book review. What other fantasy authors can you find out about? Recommend a read to us! Watch a David Attenborough video. What vocabulary does David Attenborough use to describe habitats and creatures? Practise sketching in pencil. What effects can you create? Find and sketch images of real life strange Creatures. Design ‘Top Trumps’ cards for fantasy creatures. Draw a plan of your garden, using an appropriate scale for example 1cm=100cm. Find out some mathematical facts or measurement about different landmarks i.e. the tallest mountain, longest river etc.

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