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Receptors Functions and Signal Transduction L1

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1 Receptors Functions and Signal Transduction L1
Faisal I. Mohammed, MD, PhD University of Jordan

2 Introduction to Physiology (0501110) Spring 2014
Subject Lecture No. Lecturer Pages in the 12th edition textbook Receptors: types and adaptation - Membrane or intracellular - Ion channels - G-protein - Enzyme linked - Intracellular - Second messengers - cAMP and cGMP, Phospholipid - Calcium calmodulin and IRS 1-2 Dr. Faisal Signal Transduction (Regulation of cellular machinery) Extracellular regulators: nervous, endocrine, paracrine and autocrine 3-4 Steroids: Their Signal Transduction And Mechanism Of Action 5 931 Textbook: Guyton Medical Textbook of Physiology By: Guyton and Hall 12th edition

3 Objectives Define first messenger (Hormones) List hormone types
Describe receptor types Outline the hormone receptors interactions Describe second messenger mechanism of action List second messengers University of Jordan

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7 Intercellular Communication
Endocrine Target Cell Blood Hormone Hormone Neuroendocrine Neuron Target Cell Blood Hormone Hormone Paracrine Cell Interstitial Fluid Target Cell Hormone Hormone Autocrine Cell Interstitial Fluid Hormone

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9 GAS MOLECULE University of Jordan

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13 Endocrine Glands and Hormones
Neurohormone: Specialized neurons that secrete chemicals into the blood rather than synaptic cleft. Chemical secreted is called neurohormone. Hormones: Affect metabolism of target organs. Help regulate total body metabolism, growth, and reproduction. University of Jordan

14 Classes of Hormones Peptide and Protein Hormones (amino acid chain)
Steroid Hormones (derived from chlesterol) Amine Hormones (derived from amino acid e.g tyrosin) Gas – Nitric Oxide (NO) University of Jordan

15 Paracrine – act on neighboring cells
Hormone types Circulating – circulate in blood throughout body Local hormones – act locally Paracrine – act on neighboring cells Autocrine – act on the same cell that secreted them University of Jordan

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17 Chemical classes of hormones
Lipid-soluble hormones- use transport proteins in the plasma Steroid: Lipids derived from cholesterol. Are lipophilic hormones. Testosterone. Estradiol. Cortisol. Progesterone. Thyroid ( amine but lipid soluble) Nitric oxide (NO) University of Jordan

18 Chemical classes of hormones …cont
Water-soluble – circulate in “free” form in the plasma Amines: Hormones derived from tyrosine and tryptophan. Polypeptides and proteins: Polypeptides: Chains of < 100 amino acids in length. ADH. Protein hormones: Polypeptide chains with > 100 amino acids. Growth hormone. Eicosanoid (prostaglandins) derived from arachidonic acid (20 carbon 4 double bonds) University of Jordan

19 Chemical Classification of Hormones …cont
Glycoproteins: Long polypeptides (>100) bound to 1 or more carbohydrate (CHO) groups. FSH and LH, TSH and hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) They have α and β subunits (α is common and β is specific) Hormones can also be divided into: Polar: H20 soluble. Nonpolar (lipophilic): H20 insoluble. Can gain entry into target cells. Steroid hormones and T4 (thyroxine –tetraiodothyronine)) University of Jordan

20 Prohormones and Prehormones
Precursor is a longer chained polypeptide that is cut and spliced together to make the hormone. Proinsulin – gives insulin Preprohormone: Prohormone derived from larger precursor molecule. Preproinsulin. Prehormone: Molecules secreted by endocrine glands that are inactive until changed into hormones by target cells. T4 converted to T3 (tri-iodothyronin). University of Jordan

21 Peptide & Protein Hormones
Gland/Tissue Hormones Gland/Tissue Hormones Hypothalamus Anterior pituitary Posterior pituitary Thyroid Pancreas Liver Parathyroid TRH, GnRH, CRH GHRH, Somatostatin, ACTH, TSH, FSH, LH, PRL, GH Oxytocin, ADH Calcitonin Insulin,Glucagon, Somatostatin Somatomedin C (IGF-1) PTH Placenta Kidney Heart G.I. tract Adipocyte Adrenal medulla HCG, HCS or HPL Renin ANP Gastrin, CCK, Secretin, GIP, Leptin Norepinephrine, epinephrine University of Jordan

22 Synthesis and secretion of peptide hormones
University of Jordan

23 Amine Hormones Gland/Tissue Hormones Hypothalamus Thyroid
Adrenal medulla Dopamine T3, T4 Epinephrine and Norepinephrine (NE, EPI) University of Jordan

24 Synthesis of Amine Hormones
Tyrosine tyrosine hydroxylase L-Dopa dopa decarboxylase Dopaminergic Neurons Dopamine dopamine  -hydroxylase Adrenergic Neurons Norepinephrine phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase Thyroid Hormones Epinephrine Thyroid Gland Adrenal Glands

25 Steroid Hormones Adrenal Cortex Testes Ovaries Corpus Luteum Placenta
Gland/Tissue Adrenal Cortex Testes Ovaries Corpus Luteum Placenta Kidney Cortisol, Aldosterone, Androgens Testosterone Estrogens, Progesterone 1,25-Dihydroxycholecalciferol (calcitriol) University of Jordan

26 Thank you

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