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Positif Negattif Opinions Can I use a variety of phrases to discuss opinions.

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Presentation on theme: "Positif Negattif Opinions Can I use a variety of phrases to discuss opinions."— Presentation transcript:


2 Positif Negattif Opinions Can I use a variety of phrases to discuss opinions

3 Match English and French 1.amusant 2.ennuyeux 3.drole 4.intéressant 5.génial 6.barbant 7.nul 8.daccord 9.pas daccord a.boring b.rubbish c.interesting d.great e.amusing f.funny g.boring h.disagree i.agree

4 Quen penses-tu? What do you think of it / them? Je pense que cest….. I think that its…


6 Attraction, quen penses- tu? Je pense que cest genial. Et toi? Je pense que cest ….

7 Arisxandra, quen penses- tu? Je pense que cest excellent. Et toi? Moi, je pense que cest …


9 Gabz Pre-Skool The Luminites Jordan OKeefe Jack Carroll

10 Attraction Francine Lewis Arisxandra Asanda Steve Hewlett Richard and Adam

11 Je pense que… Que penses-tu? Tu rigoles! Daccord! Tu aimes…? Oui, moi aussi Non, pas moi Et toi? Pas daccord! 1.Agree! 2.And you? 3.I think that… 4.Youre kidding! 5.Yes, me too 6.Do you like…? 7.No, not me 8.What do you think…? 9. Disagree !

12 3. Je pense que… 8. Que penses-tu? 4. Tu rigoles! 1. Daccord! 6. Tu aimes…? 5. Oui, moi aussi 7. Non, pas moi 2. Et toi? 9. Pas daccord! 1.Agree! 2.And you? 3.I think that… 4.Youre kidding! 5.Yes, me too 6.Do you like…? 7.No, not me 8.What do you think…? 9. Disagree!

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