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Able , Ible Capable of Example: flexible, portable.

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Presentation on theme: "Able , Ible Capable of Example: flexible, portable."— Presentation transcript:

1 Able , Ible Capable of Example: flexible, portable

2 al Relating to Example: parental

3 ance Act of, state of Example: performance

4 bi two Example: bicycle

5 ex Out of Example: exit

6 fact Do , make Example: factory

7 geo earth Example: geology

8 Ic, ish Characteristic of Example: antagonistic

9 tri three Example: tricycle

10 Il, ir, im, in, non not Example: illegible

11 port carry Example: portable

12 over Above, excessive Example: overextended

13 pre before Example: pretest

14 struct build Example: construct

15 anti against Example: antibullying

16 dorm sleep Example: dormitory

17 calor heat Example: caloric

18 cred believe Example: credible

19 cide kill Example: homocide

20 astro star Example: astrology

21 corp body Example: corpse

22 epi Upon, in addition Example: epicenter

23 flex bend Example: flexible

24 peri Around, enclosing Example: perimeter

25 macro large Example: macrocosm

26 semi half Example: semicircle

27 Mar, mari Sea, pool Example: marina, marine

28 pseudo false Example: pseudonym

29 mono one Example: monochromatic

30 eu well Example: eulogy

31 ure Act, process Example: procedure

32 sed sit Example: sedentary

33 leg read Example: ledgible

34 anim mind Example: animated

35 tort twist Example: distort

36 nym name Example: homonym

37 sanct holy Example: sanctuary

38 meta change Example: metamorphsis

39 petr rock Example: petrify

40 mir wonder Example: mirage

41 man hand Example: manicure

42 rect right Example: rectangle

43 volv roll Example: revolve

44 demi half Example: demigod

45 retro backward Example: retroactive

46 sens feel Example: sensation

47 fy make Example: solidify

48 ocul eye Example: binocular

49 cur Care for Example: curator

50 ultra beyond Example: ultraconservative

51 oid appearance Example: android

52 gest carry Example: digest

53 apt fit Example: adapt

54 tact touch Example: tactile

55 voc voice Example: vocal

56 rid laugh Example: ridicule

57 path feeling Example: empathy, sympathy

58 a not Example: apathy

59 nomy law Example: astronomy

60 fid faith Example: fidelity

61 caco bad Example: cacography

62 hetero different Example: heterogeneous

63 sci know Example: science

64 graph write Example: autograph

65 lat side Example: unilateral

66 lith rock Example: lithograph

67 tract pull Example: tractor

68 in In or not Example: insane

69 co together Example: coauthor

70 phile love Example: bibliophile

71 ine Nature of Example: crystaline

72 -ar Relating to Example: circular

73 Hexa six Example: hexagon

74 fract break Example: fracture

75 platy flat Example: plateau, platypus

76 theo God Example: theology

77 fin end Example: final

78 hedron Sided object Example: polyhedron

79 ambul walk Example: ambulatory

80 ous Full of Example: glorious

81 topo place Example: topography

82 ped Foot or child Example: pedicure

83 mort death Example: mortuary

84 Carn flesh Example: carnivore

85 psych soul Example: psychology

86 ethno Race or culture Example: ethnic group

87 gen origin Example: genetics

88 nat born Example: prenatal, native

89 paleo old Example: paleolithic

90 curs run Example: cursive

91 crypt hidden Example: cryptic

92 cad fall Example: cascade

93 capit head Example: decapitate

94 (someone who talks a lot)
loqu talk Example: loquacious (someone who talks a lot)

95 sacro holy Example: sacred

96 uni one Example: unicycle

97 ness quality Example: kindness

98 alt high Example: altitude

99 ics art Example: graphics

100 iso equal Example: isosceles triangle
(has 2 equal side and 2 equal angles)

101 vert turn Example: convert

102 ate cause Example: dominate

103 cor heart Example: coronary

104 ess female Example: princess, lioness

105 muta change Example: mutate

106 fug flee Example: fugitive

107 -i plural Example: fungi, bacilli

108 jus law Example: justice

109 lum light Example: illuminate

110 ann year Example: annual

111 apo Away or up Example: apology

112 sen old Example: senior

113 sol alone Example: solitude

114 bas low Example: bass, basic

115 rogat ask Example: interrogation

116 parl speak Example: parlor

117 potent power Example: omnipotent

118 surg rise Example: surge

119 log Word or reason Example: logic

120 gram writing Example: telegram

121 cant sing Example: descant

122 reg rule Example: regulations

123 pro forward Example: prospect

124 gyn woman Example: gynecology

125 ag To do Example: agent

126 act To do Example: action

127 mob move Example: mobile

128 sess sit Example: session

129 fic make Example: fiction

130 nounce tell Example: announce

131 andro man Example: androphobic

132 An- without Example: anarchy

133 ab away Example: abnormal

134 mel song Example: melody

135 aden gland Example: adenoid

136 aer air Example: aerial

137 alb white Example: albino

138 ase enzyme Example: proteinase

139 epi on Example: epicenter

140 hum earth Example: posthumous

141 -be life Example: microbe

142 Bon good Example: bonus

143 struct build Example: construct

144 chlor green Example: chloroophyll

145 cyan blue Example: cyanosis

146 cyt cell Example: cytoplasm

147 diplo double Example: diplomacy

148 dys bad Example: dysentery

149 eco house Example: ecosystem

150 emia blood Example: anemia

151 enter intestine Example: enteritis

152 erythro red Example: erythrocyte

153 idio peculiar Example: idiot

154 exo out Example: exogenous

155 im not Example: impossible

156 fil thread Example: filament

157 chrom color Example: monochrome

158 form shape Example: formative

159 sequ follow Example: sequence

160 glyc sweet Example: glucose

161 hemo blood Example: hemoglobin

162 ultima last Example: ultimate

163 infra beneath Example: infra dig (beneath one)

164 leuko white Example: leukemia

165 lys Break down Example: analysis

166 meso middle Example: mesophyll

167 milli thousandth Example: millimeter

168 mem remember Example: memory

169 gress step Example: digress

170 labor work Example: collaborate

171 myo muscle Example: myoglobin (a protein in muscle)

172 vac empty Example: vacant

173 oligo Few or small Example: oligarchy

174 ose sugar Example: fructose

175 osis condition Example: psychosis

176 tude State of Example: solitude

177 (capable of causing disease)
patho disease Example: pathogenic (capable of causing disease)

178 (cell that eats other cells)
phag eat Example: phagocyte (cell that eats other cells)

179 phor carry Example: euphoria

180 phyt plant Example: neophyt

181 phyll leaf Example: chlorophyll

182 pleo more Example: pleonasm
(the use or more words than necessary to convey meaning)

183 pod foot Example: podiatrist

184 soror sister Example: sorority

185 val worth Example: equivalent

186 para Beside, near Example: paralell

187 dom rule Example: dominate

188 erg work Example: synergy

189 rhiz root Example: rhizoid (root like)

190 sapro rotten Example: saprophagous
(feeding on dead or decaying animal matter)

191 schizo divide Example: schism
(a division or disunion, especially into mutually opposed parties)

192 (an oval track for horse races)
hippo horse Example: hippodrome (an oval track for horse races)

193 som body Example: somatic (relating to the body)

194 spor seed Example: macrospore

195 sta stop Example: stationary

196 rhodo rose Example: rhododendron

197 taxis arrangement Example: syntax
(the arrangement of words form sentences)

198 vol will Example: benevolent

199 frat brother Example: fraternity

200 trich hair Example: trichosis (disease or abnormal growth of hair)

201 troph nourishment Example: autotroph
(any organism capable of self-nourishment)

202 tox poison Example: toxin

203 sect cut Example: dissect

204 zygo yoke Example: zygote

205 zym ferment Example: enzyme

206 schizo divide Example: schism
(a division or disunion, especially into mutually opposed parties)

207 (an oval track for horse races)
hippo horse Example: hippodrome (an oval track for horse races)

208 som body Example: somatic (relating to the body)

209 spor seed Example: macrospore

210 sta stop Example: stationary

211 rhodo rose Example: rhododendron

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